Smooth Mesh

Smooth Mesh Preview

Controls how Maya displays a polygon mesh in the scene. The mesh can be displayed either un-smoothed, fully smoothed, or in both modes simultaneously. The default setting is off. See Preview a smoothed polygonal mesh.

Note Smooth Mesh Preview affects only the display of the polygon mesh in the scene view. If you render the mesh while Smooth Mesh Preview is turned on the mesh will appear in its original un-smoothed state in the final image.

If you want the mesh to appear smoothed in a rendering you can convert the smooth preview to a smoothed polygon mesh using Modify > Convert > Smooth Mesh Preview to Polygons or to a subdiv proxy using Proxy > Subdiv Proxy.


Determines the display mode for Smooth Mesh Preview. Two display modes are possible:

Cage + Smooth Mesh

Press the 2 key to display the selected polygonal mesh in this mode. The original un-smoothed version of the mesh is displayed in wireframe (cage) as well as a smoothed shaded preview version of the mesh simultaneously. The Edit options lets you specify whether you can select and edit components on either of the separate versions of the mesh, or both, by setting it to Cage, Smooth Mesh, or Both.

Smooth Mesh

Press the 3 key to display the selected polygonal mesh in this mode. Only the smoothed preview version of the mesh is displayed in this mode. You select and edit components on the smoothed preview when working in this mode.


When editing components on the mesh in either preview mode, the transform manipulator always appears in the location of the component as it appears on the original version of the mesh.

Subdivision Levels

Display Subdivisions

Controls whether the subdivided components in the smoothed preview are displayed on the smoothed preview version of the mesh. Subdivided components will be displayed when a check mark appears.

Preview Division Levels

Controls the number of times the original version of the mesh is subdivided (Default hotkeys: Page Up, Page Down). The slider range is between 0 and 4. The default setting is 2. A value of 0 indicates no smoothing while a value of 4 is the highest smoothing within the range of the slider. You can input values higher than 4 in the text field.


Whenever a polygon mesh has an associated subdiv proxy object and the Smooth Mesh Preview option is turned on, the Page Up and Page Down hotkeys will only control the smooth level on the subdiv proxy.

Use Preview Level for Rendering / Render Division Levels

See Use Preview Level for Rendering / Render Division Levels for more information regarding these attributes.

Extra Controls

Boundary rules
Lets you set how you want creasing applied to boundary edges and vertices as you smooth the mesh.
Applies no creasing to boundary edges and vertices.
Crease all
(Default) Applies full creasing to all boundary edges and all vertices that have only two incident edges before being converted to a smooth mesh.
Crease edges
Applies full creasing to edges only.

Controls the amount of smoothness on the smooth mesh preview. The slider range is between 0 and 1. A value of 0 applies no smoothing.

Smooth UVs

Applies the same smoothing operation to the UV texture coordinates as occurs on the vertices. Smooth UVs is on by default and provides better results for UV texture coordinates.

Propagate Edge Hardness

Copies the edge hardness values from any hardened edges on the original mesh to the associated new edges on the Smooth Mesh preview. The default setting is off.

Map Borders

Controls how UV borders are smoothed when the Smooth UVs option is turned on.

Do not smooth

Border UVs are not smoothed.

Smooth Internal

Internal UVs are smoothed. This is the default setting.

Smooth All

All UV borders are smoothed.


Specifies what components will remain unaffected by the Smooth Mesh Preview.

Geometry Borders

This option preserves the properties of border edges on the mesh.

Hard Edge

Preserves the properties of any existing manually hardened or softened edges.

Notes on Smooth Mesh Preview

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