If you notice that mental ray creates many temporary files, causing you to run out of disk space, you can search for and delete
the following:
- virtual and cached framebuffers: fb<framebuffer index>.<serial>.<pid> name scheme (for example: fb000.0.9322)
- copies of framebuffers requested by applications after a frame render: fbsave.XXXXXX
- map containers: map_XXXXXX and map_decl_XXXXXX
- per-object photon maps: pmap.XXXXXX
NoteIn most cases, mental ray deletes these temporary files automatically once they are no longer needed (for example, at the
end of a frame for virtual framebuffers; or, at plug-in exit for 3d map containers). However, in the event that they are not
automatically deleted, you can search for and delete the files manually. This is more likely to occur with cached framebuffer
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