You can optimize the performance of Viewport 2.0 by doing the following:
If possible, avoid:
Optimization tips:
- The functionality consolidates all objects that the camera sees. To optimize tumbling performance, zoom out of your scene view
so that the camera can see and consolidate all objects.
- Reuse shaders if possible, especially on small, static objects to optimize the functionality. You can do this by selecting >
and enabling the option.
- Use instead of smooth mesh deformers for faster performance.
- Unsupported texture types are baked internally in Viewport 2.0. For better performance, avoid using unsupported textures;
or, use a low bake resolution in the >
> settings.
- Select the or under >
> . The option provides high transparency quality but with a performance cost.
- and (under >
) can be disabled for better performance. Enable these options for better visual quality and disable them for better performance.
When working with the DirectX 11 AutodeskUberShader, mip map generation is enabled by default to provide better texturing
quality for objects far away. You can disable mip map generation to improve performance; however, you may see a moire pattern
for far away textures. In the <maya directory>\presets\HLSL11\examples\AutodeskUberShader.fxo file, set #define NumberOfMipMaps 1.
To accelerate performance, use of is not recommended when tessellation is enabled in an effects shader.
The dx11Shader node supports both uncompiled (.fx) and compiled (.fxo) effects. For large scenes and complex shaders, use only compiled effects.
NoteViewport 2.0 supports features that are not supported in the default viewport, for example, bump mapping. These features may
increase rendering and geometry translation overhead and Viewport 2.0 may appear slower than the default viewport as a result.
Performance tips for animation
- Joints render faster if they are all set to the same color so that they can be batched together during rendering.
- Local rotation axis and handles on the transform may slow down performance.
- HumanIK that do not use alpha blending render much faster.
- Vertex animation cache includes a matrix animation cache. When this is enabled, UI elements do not need to recalculate their
matrix information and performance is improved when replaying an animation.
- Ghosting uses the matrix animation cache; therefore, you also obtain better performance when vertex animation cache is enabled.
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