The Camera Sequencer and Playblast Options use video codecs to playblast your camera shots into movie clips. Maya does not include specific codecs for playblasting, but rather relies on the codecs already installed on your system. Note that not all codecs will be compatible with Maya.
The following table lists the movie types supported, as well as known issues, on each platform.
If you experience difficulty when playblasting, you may need to download and install additional codecs. Because of the number and variety of codecs available, Autodesk does not provide a list of qualified codecs.
As a general rule, ensure that the machine where you want to view a playblasted movie includes the same codecs as the machine used to create the movie. For example, if you playblast a movie on a Linux system and want to view the movie on a Windows or Mac OS X system, ensure that the same codecs are supported and installed on your Windows or Mac OS X system.
To view the list of codecs available on your system, open any of the playblast options (available under the Playblast menu in the Camera Sequencer or in the Playblast Options window). Select the movie Format you want to output, then view the list of codecs available in the Encoding drop-down list. When you install additional codecs, they are added to this list and available the next time you run Maya.
Refer to the following sections for additional notes and exceptions about codec support for each platform.
The list of codecs available on 64-bit Mac systems does not change even if you install additional codecs. If you have installed additional codecs for playblasting, you must run Maya in 32-bit mode to access those codecs.
Maya currently uses libquicktime (version 1.1.4) and includes the following codecs: png, jpeg, mjpa, raw, v308, v408, v410, yuv2, yuv4, yv12, 2vuy, v210. If you want to try other codecs, install them in the /maya/bin directory.
If you plan to output movies on a Linux system and view the movies on a Windows or Mac OS X system, use png, raw, jpeg, mjpa, v408, yuv2 or 2vuy for best results.
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