Resolving Errors


This page will help you resolve common error codes that XGen generates.

Failed to find hair/Clumping1/bc_body_fred.ptx. Searched path includes: ./xgen/ ... (XgUtil) 
This message appears when XGen cannot locate the file in any of the XGen Data Path-specified directories listed in the message. There are two cases where this missing file message occurs:
  • the file is missing.
  • the file exists, but is located in a different directory. In this case, add the directory to the XGen Data Path from the Palette menu in the Description Editor.
No wires found in caf file. Deactivating the module. [palette,description,module] (AnimWires)
This message appears when no wires are provided to the AnimWires Modifier in the caf file. Check the specified Modifier in the Description Editor to identify which file was loaded.
No wires found in caf file. Deactivating the module. [palette,description,module] (ControlWires) 
This is similar to the above "No wires found in caf file" message, but applies to the ControlWires Modifier.
The collision module is dependent on an AnimWires module above it for wire guided method. Either that AnimWires module is inactive or deactivated from errors, or does not have the “affectCollision” option checked. (Collision) 
This message, and the following "Dependency check fails" message, often show up together. Verify the settings from both the Collision and AnimWires Modifiers. These errors occur when an error causes the AnimWires Modifier is deactivated by XGen.
Dependency check fails. Deactivating the module. (Collision)
This message, and the above "Collision Modifier is dependent on an AnimWires Modifier" message, often show up together. Verify the settings from both the Collision and AnimWires Modifiers. These errors occur when an error causes the AnimWires Modifier is deactivated by XGen.
Error reading vertex list for meshes:mel(xgmTriMeshData(“vertices”,”someCollisionModule”)) Deactivating the module. (Collision)
There are two cases in which this error occurs. Normally you see this error if the assigned collision mesh object is missing. If this is the case, locate the missing object(s) and reimport them. This message also appears if the assigned collision object is not of the correct type, as the Collision Modifier currently only works with triangular/quad meshes.
NoteQuad meshes are triangulated internally at each frame, which is not as efficient as using pre-triangulated meshes. It is recommended that you use triangular meshes for increased efficiency.
No pipe data is found with the name fxCollisionWire__subdiv. (FXModule)
This message appears when XGen cannot find pipe data in the Collision Modifier emitted from the AnimWires Modifier when using one of the two wire-guided collision methods (Wire Flex or Wire Stiff) .

To fix this error, first be sure the wire-guided method is the method you want to use. Wire-guided methods are primarily used for resolving collisions involving the primitives that follow the anim wires that have reached collision free using other methods, such as wires exported from DynamicWires. Wire-guided methods resolve collisions more consistently across the frame range due to the nature of underlying dynamics. However, as “Flexible” and “Stiff” methods resolve collisions based on intersections with collision objects, popping can occur at different frames.

To use wire-guided methods, you need an AnimWires Modifier above the Collision Modifier and ensure that the Affect Collision option is activated. Otherwise, switch to either “Flexible” or “Stiff” in the Collision Modifier.

Clumping guide ID larger than number in xuv file (bc_body_rhinAA): 132611(guide ID) 128777(xuv file size) (Clumping) 
This message appears when the clumping xuv file is out of sync with its description. Regenerate the clumping data. This error occurs when the map indicates more clumps than the xuv file.
Could not find clump guide vertex cv attribute (WireSupport) 
This message appears when the modifier could not locate the clump guide cv attribute that should have been emitted by the clumping modifier. Verify that cvAttr activated in the modifier with which you are using this modifier. For example, if CurveClump is selected, you must have cvAttr active in the curve clumping modifier that you wish to preserve (activating it in more than one modifier will result in the last activated modifier being preserved). If you are using a baked broom then the cvAttr option must be activated prior to the baking process as the cv attribute will be written into the XPD files.
Could not find clump guide weights cv attribute (PreserveClumps)
This message appears when the modifier could not find the clump guide cv weight attribute normally emitted by your clumping modifier. This problem is similar to the "Could not find clump guide vertex" message, above, but this error does not occur without the other message appearing first.
Could not find blind data for clump guide (PreserveClumps) 
This message appears when no blind data for your clump guide has been found. The blind data is a chunk of data your primitive holds. When this error appears, the missing data the clump guide location which lets you reposition the clump guide onto the model to account for animation and deformation. If your groom is “live”, that is, not using an active baked groom manager, this should not happen. If this message appears when you have a baked groom, you may be using old XPD files. .
Unable to find closest cv on clump guide (PreserveClumps)
This message signifies that one of your clumping guides is invalid. The cv attribute was found, but the guide held within it is incorrect. This can be caused when ignoring another clumping modifier message. Search for a message about the inability to locate active guides in the message console and resolve that error first.
Note It is good practice to resolve errors from the top down in the message console.
This error means that the particular clump will not be preserved, which while it may not be evident, can result in incorrect shading.
Failed to evaluate _xform = mel(xgmWind(“_xform”, “someWindModule”)). (Description: someDescription; Module: someWindModule) ) (Wind) 
This message appears when there is a missing noise locator in the Wind Modifier. To check whether a locator exists, open the XGen Description Editor, open the Wind Modifier UI in the Modifier tab, and click the button to the right of the Noise Locator field. This opens a menu where you can select Select Assigned. If the missing locator exists, it is selected. Otherwise, a warning appears in Maya Script Editor. Importing in the locator resolves this problem. If there is no locator, you will not have wind effects on the primitives. It will behave as if the Wind Modifier had been deactivated.
Failed to evaluate _xform = mel(xgmWind(“_regionXform”, “someWindModule”)). (Description: someDescription; Module: someWindModule) ) (Wind) 
This error message is similar to the previous one and occurs when the region locator used by Wind Modifier is missing. Follow the steps in the "Failed to evaluate _xform" message above to verify that a locator exists. If regionActive is not activated in your Wind Modifier, you can ignore this message.
Zeroing a pixel in map since all points were disqualified. (Clumping) 
This message appears when you generate a clumping map for a “sub” clumping Modifier. The error indicates that XGen has processed a clump from the “parent” clumping modifier, but was unable to locate points within the clump region for the sub-clump. XGen cannot determine what color to paint the map so it default to black, effectively deactivating clumping for that modifier. XGen spend time attempting to locate a valid guide so painting the black pixels slows map generation. When the map is complete, find the black area Paint3d and add a point within each parent clump to be filled with black.
Failed to find even one legal guide for geomName:proxyName (faceId:u,v) (Primitive) 
There are two situations where this message appears:

  • If you attempt to create a primitive at the given location, or
  • if you attempt t to create a procedural clumping guide at the given location.

These situations are both similar as the location specified cannot find a valid guide with which to create a primitive, despite your using cv interpolation. When you do this, the primitive is culled or clump guide is deactivated.

To resolve this issue, determine which of the two error cases is yours. If there is no procedural clumping modifiers, the problem is with the primitives. The problem is also with the primitives if you deactivate all of your procedural clumping modifiers and still see this error. If no message appears, it indicates that your problem is with the clumping. Either way, the problem is often caused by a bad density map that lets XGen generate a primitive in an unexpected location.

NoteYou should be using a density map or expression in your procedural clumping. Try “(myMainDensityExpression) > 0” as an expression, using your density expression from your main description inside the parenthesis.

Cant bind to nothing. Use UNbind. someDescription->somePatch (SubdPatch)
This message appears when you use an XGen file that needs to bind to data in the xgeom file but the geometry is missing. This can be caused by unlocking the XGen container and rendering. Open the xgeom file you are using and verify that it has the appropriate geometry. If you do not find geometry, re-bake out the geometry files.
Size of fileset and geomset given dont agree (MFAXGenModule)
This message requires that the XGen file set number matches the geometry file set number. Verify that the numbers of the input filesets match in the mfa command.
Warning: Description CLUMPING1_brow_XGen_pennAAdoes not have renderman as its active renderer. Skipping. (MFAXGenModule) 
This message occurs when you render a description that does not have renderman as its active renderer. This is usually the case for clumping descriptions since they are not intended to be rendered. Ignore the warning if the description is a clumping description.
Warning: Multiple cvs on primitives are bound to the last cv of the wire #X someWire. Wire may be too short. (AnimWires) 
The message is a level 2 warning that appeasr when you have wires shorter than the primitives that are bound to them. Ideally, each cv of the primitive is bound to a different cv on the wire, otherwise this may result in unexpected animation. Ideally anim wires are longer than all the primitives. Adjust the length of the anim wires to remove the warnings.
Warning: No intersection found between prim #X and wire. cvs from wire and prim are inside collision object. (Collision) 
This message occurs nwhen cvs on the primitive and the anim wire it is bound to are both inside the collision object(s). Thite wire-guided method relies on anim wires to resolve collisions, and this requires all anim wires to be collision-free. When this condition is not satisfied, the collisions are unlikely to resolve properly. Check your wires if this message occurs.
Can’t find ptex file: .../xgen/...Color/Shape.ptx. {WARNING} Plugin warning: Unrecognized attribute “geomName_XS” in token reference “${userS.geomName_XS,..$,AA}” (Shader)
This message occurs only when old material is used for some of the geometry. If you see this error message, update your material and the error should resolve.

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