The following is a sample window to illustrate some of the concepts mentioned.
// Create the window. // window -title "Test Window" ExampleWindow7; columnLayout ColumnLayout; frameLayout -labelVisible false -marginWidth 5 -marginHeight 5; columnLayout; text -label "Overall Intensity"; rowLayout -numberOfColumns 3; string $radioButton1, $radioButton2, $radioButton3; radioCollection; $radioButton1 = `radioButton -label "Low"`; $radioButton2 = `radioButton -label "Medium"`; $radioButton3 = `radioButton -label "High"`; setParent ..; text -label "Light Switches"; rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth 1 130 -columnWidth 2 130; string $checkBox1, $checkBox2, $checkBox3, $checkBox4; $checkBox1 = `checkBox -label "Front Spot"`; $checkBox2 = `checkBox -label "Center Spot"`; $checkBox3 = `checkBox -label "Near Flood"`; $checkBox4 = `checkBox -label "Sunlight"`; setParent ExampleWindow7|ColumnLayout; textField -text "Ready" -editable false -width 278 StatusLine; // Set initial state. // radioButton -edit -select $radioButton1; checkBox -edit -value on $checkBox1; checkBox -edit -value off $checkBox2; checkBox -edit -value off $checkBox3; checkBox -edit -value on $checkBox4; // Add functionality. // radioButton -edit -onCommand "showStatus \"Low Intensity\"" $radioButton1; radioButton -edit -onCommand "showStatus \"Med Intensity\"" $radioButton2; radioButton -edit -onCommand "showStatus \"High Intensity\"" $radioButton3; checkBox -edit -changeCommand "showStatus \"Front Spot: #1\"" $checkBox1; checkBox -edit -changeCommand "showStatus \"Center Spot: #1\"" $checkBox2; checkBox -edit -onCommand "showStatus \"Near Flood On\"" -offCommand "showStatus \"Near Flood Off\"" $checkBox3; checkBox -edit -onCommand "showStatus \"Sunlight On\"" -offCommand "showStatus \"Sunlight Off\"" $checkBox4; showWindow ExampleWindow7; // Procedure to update the status line. // global proc showStatus (string $newStatus) { textField -edit -text $newStatus ExampleWindow7|ColumnLayout|StatusLine; }
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