Transplant hair


There are many possible uses for the Transplant Hair feature. For example, you could create a patch of styled hair, such as sideburns or a mustache, and copy the hair to target surfaces as though you were “stamping” the hair patches.

Hair systems can only be transplanted to NURBS or polygon surfaces.

The following scenario uses a hair preset. However, you can transplant any type of hair system.

To transplant a Hair Preset to another surface

  1. Import the Hair Preset (wig).

    See Use hair presets.

  2. Scale the wig to closely match the destination surface.
  3. Position the destination surface close to the wig.
  4. Select any part of the wig object (for example, follicles or pfxHair).
  5. Shift-select the destination surface.
  6. Select nHair > Transplant Hair > and set the desired options. For descriptions of these options, see Transplant Hair Options.

    If you turn off Copy Follicles, then the wig object won’t have any follicles on it after you transplant the hair, which confirms the transplant.

  7. Delete the base wig object.

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