- Since animation-constraint blending lets you transform the constrained channels of a driven object, you must lock the constrained
channels that you want strictly influenced by the target objects.
- After transforming a constrained object, you can retain its new translation, rotation, and/or scaling by reapplying from the window. This prevents the constrained object from snapping back to its original translation, rotation, and/or scaling when
its target objects are transformed.
To blend animation and constraints on the same object
- Animate and constrain the same object.
- Edit and key the attribute to animate the amount of influence the constraint and keyframe animation have on their target object. See Blend Weights in the Channel Box.
To blend set driven key animation with constraints
- Apply set driven keys and constraints to the same object.
- Edit and key the channel on the constrained/driven object’s transform node to animate the amount of influence the constraint and driver have
on their constrained/driven object.
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