
Functions and classes relating to files, references, and system calls.

In particular, the system module contains the functionality of maya.cmds.file. The file command should not be imported into the default namespace because it conflicts with python’s builtin file class. Since the file command has so many flags, we decided to kill two birds with one stone: by breaking the file command down into multiple functions – one for each primary flag – the resulting functions are more readable and allow the file command’s functionality to be used directly within the pymel namespace.

for example, instead of this:

>>> res = cmds.file( '', exportAll=1, preserveReferences=1, type='mayaAscii', force=1 ) 

you can do this:

>>> expFile = exportAll( '', preserveReferences=1, force=1)

some of the new commands were changed slightly from their flag name to avoid name clashes and to add to readability:

>>> importFile( expFile )  # flag was called import, but that's a python keyword
>>> ref = createReference( expFile )
>>> ref 
FileReference(u'.../', refnode=u'testRN')

Notice that the ‘type’ flag is set automatically for you when your path includes a ‘.mb’ or ‘.ma’ extension.

Paths returned by these commands are either a Path or a FileReference, so you can use object-oriented path methods with the results:

>>> expFile.exists()
>>> expFile.remove()  # cleanup


aaf2fcp This command is used to convert an aff file to a Final Cut Pro (fcp) xml file The conversion process can take several
allNodeTypes This command returns a list containing the type names of every kind of creatable node registered with the system.
assignInputDevice This command associates a command string (i.e.
attachDeviceAttr This command associates a device/axis pair with a node/attribute pair.
attrCompatibility This command is used to handle compatibility issues between file format versions by providing a mechanism to describe differences between two versions.
audioTrack This command is used for inserting and removing tracks related to the audio clips displayed in the sequencer.
autoSave Provides an interface to the auto-save mechanism.
cacheFile Creates one or more cache files on disk to store attribute data for a span of frames.
cacheFileCombine Creates a cacheBlend node that can be used to combine, layer or blend multiple cacheFiles for a given object.
cacheFileMerge If selected/specified caches can be successfully merged, will return the start/end frames of the new cache followed by the start/end frames of any gaps in the merged cache for which no data should be written to file.
cacheFileTrack This command is used for inserting and removing tracks related to the caches displayed in the trax editor.
clearCache Even though dependency graph values are computed or dirty they may still occupy space temporarily within the nodes.
cmdFileOutput This command will open a text file to receive all of the commands and results that normally get printed to the Script
convertUnit This command converts values between different units of measure.
createReference Create a reference to the specified file.
dagObjectCompare dagObjectCompare can be used to compare to compare objects based on: type - Currently supports transform nodes and shape
date Returns information about current time and date.
dbcount The dbcountcommand is used to print and manage a list of statistics collected for counting operations.
dbmessage The dbmessagecommand is used to install monitors for certain message types, dumping debug information as they are sent so that the flow of messages can be examined.
decorator Decorator for decorators.
detachDeviceAttr This command detaches connections between device axes and node attributes.
deviceEditor This creates an editor for creating/modifying attachments to input devices.
devicePanel This command is now obsolete.
dgInfo This command prints information about the DG in a text-oriented manner. The scope of the information printed is the
dgdirty The dgdirtycommand is used to force a dependency graph dirty message on a node or plug.
dgeval The dgevalcommand is used to force a dependency graph evaluate of a node or plug.
dgmodified The dgmodifiedcommand is used to find out which nodes in the dependency graph have been modified.
dgtimer This command measures dependency graph node performance by managing timers on a per-node basis.
dirmap Use this command to map a directory to another directory.
diskCache Command to create, clear, or close disk cache(s).
displayString Assign a string value to a string identifier.
dynamicLoad Dynamically load the DLL passed as argument. In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
error The error command is provided so that the user can issue error messages from his/her scripts and control execution in the event of runtime errors.
exportAll Export everything into a single file.
exportAnim Export all animation nodes and animation helper nodes from all objects in the scene.
exportAnimFromReference Export the main scene animation nodes and animation helper nodes from all referenced objects.
exportAsReference Export the selected objects into a reference file with the given name.
exportEdits Use this command to export edits made in the scene to a separate file.
exportSelected Export the selected items into the specified file.
exportSelectedAnim Export all animation nodes and animation helper nodes from the selected objects in the scene.
exportSelectedAnimFromReference Export the main scene animation nodes and animation helper nodes from the selected referenced objects.
fcheck Invokes the fcheck program to display images in a separate window.
feof Reproduces the behavior of the mel command of the same name.
fileBrowserDialog The fileBrowserDialog and fileDialog commands have now been deprecated. Both commands are still callable, but it is
fileDialog The fileBrowserDialog and fileDialog commands have now been deprecated. Both commands are still callable, but it is
fileDialog2 This command provides a dialog that allows users to select files or directories.
findType The findTypecommand is used to search upstream through a dependency subgraph on a certain node to find all nodes of the
flushUndo Removes everything from the undo queue, freeing up memory.
fscanf Scans inputFile for formats specified in the formatString. See
getFileList Returns a list of files matching an optional wildcard pattern.
getInputDeviceRange This command lists the minimum and maximum values the device axis can return.
getModifiers This command returns the current state of the modifier keys.
getModulePath Returns the module path for a given module name.
hardware Return description of the hardware available in the machine.
hitTest The hitTestcommand hit-tests a point in the named control and returns a list of items underneath the point. The point is
imfPlugins This command queries all the available imf plugins for its name, keyword or image file extension.
importFile Import the specified file.
internalVar This command returns the values of internal variables.
iterReferences returns references in the scene as a list of value tuples. The values in the tuples can be namespaces, refNodes (as PyNodes),
launch Launch the appropriate application to open the document specified.
launchImageEditor Launch the appropriate application to edit/view the image files specified.
listDeviceAttachments This command lists the current set of device attachments.
listInputDeviceAxes This command lists all of the axes of the specified input device.
listInputDeviceButtons This command lists all of the buttons of the specified input device specified as an argument.
listInputDevices This command lists all input devices that maya knows about.
listNamespaces Returns a list of the namespaces in the scene
listNamespaces_old Deprecated
listReferences Like iterReferences, except returns a list instead of an iterator.
loadPlugin Load plug-ins into Maya. The parameter(s) to this command are either the names or pathnames of plug-in files. The
loadReference This flag loads a file and associates it with the passed reference node.
melInfo This command returns the names of all global MEL procedures that are currently defined as a string array. The user can
memory Used to query essential statistics on memory availability and usage
mouse This command allows to configure mouse.
namespace This command allows a namespace to be created or set or removed.
namespaceInfo “This command displays information about a namespace. The target namespace can optionally be specified on the command
newFile Initialize the scene.
ogs OGS is one of the viewport renderers. As there is a lot of effort involved in migrating functionality it will evolve
openFile Open the specified file.
openGLExtension Command returns the extension name depending on whether a given OpenGL extension is supported or not. The input is the
openMayaPref Set or query API preferences.
pluginInfo This command provides access to the plugin registry of the application.
preloadRefEd This creates an editor for managing which references will be read in (loaded) and which deferred (unloaded) upon opening a file.
recordAttr This command sets up an attribute to be recorded.
redo Takes the most recently undone command from the undo list and redoes it.
reference Flags:
referenceEdit Use this command to remove and change the modifications which have been applied to references.
referenceQuery Use this command to find out information about references and referenced nodes.
rehash Derived from mel command maya.cmds.rehash
reloadImage This command reloads an xpm image from disk.
renameFile Rename the scene.
requires This command is used during file I/O to specify the requirements needed to load the given file. It defines what file
saveFile Save the specified file.
saveImage This command creates a static image control for non-xpm files used to display a thumbnail image of the scene file.
sceneEditor This creates an editor for managing the files in a scene.
sceneName return the name of the current scene.
sceneUIReplacement This command returns existing scene based UI that can be utilized by the scene that is being loaded. It can also delete
scriptNode scriptNodes contain scripts that are executed when a file is loaded or when the script node is deleted. The scriptNode
selLoadSettings This command is used to edit and query information about the implicit load settings.
setAttrMapping This command applies an offset and scale to a specified device attachment.
setInputDeviceMapping The command sets a scale and offset for all attachments made to a specified device axis.
shotTrack This command is used for inserting and removing tracks related to the shots displayed in the Sequencer. It can also be
showHelp Invokes a web browser to open the on-line documentation and help files.
sysFile This command provides a system independent way to create a directory or to rename or delete a file.
timer Allow simple timing of scripts and commands.
timerX Used to calculate elapsed time.
translator Set or query parameters associated with the file translators specified in as the argument.
unassignInputDevice This command deletes all command strings associated with this device.
undo Takes the most recent command from the undo list and undoes it.
undoInfo This command controls the undo/redo parameters.
unloadPlugin Unload plug-ins from Maya. After the successful execution of this command, plug-in services will no longer be available.
untitledFileName Obtain the base filename used for untitled scenes.
warning The warning command is provided so that the user can issue warning messages from his/her scripts.


FileInfo store and get custom data specific to this file:
FileReference A class for manipulating references which inherits Path and path. you can create an
Path A basic Maya file class. it gets most of its power from the path class written by Jason Orendorff.
ReferenceEdit Parses a reference edit command string into various components based on the edit type.
>>> ascii = Translator('mayaAscii')
Workspace This class is designed to lend more readability to the often confusing workspace command.
pathClass Represents a filesystem path.

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