Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related.
Flags. Python
rotate( float float float [objects] ,
[absolute=boolean], [centerPivot=boolean], [euler=boolean], [objectCenterPivot=boolean],
[pivot=[linear, linear, linear]],
[relative=boolean], [rotateX=boolean], [rotateXY=boolean], [rotateXYZ=boolean], [rotateXZ=boolean], [rotateY=boolean], [rotateYZ=boolean], [rotateZ=boolean], [worldSpace=boolean])
Note: Strings representing object names and
arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the
rotate is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT
The rotate command is used to change the rotation of geometric
objects. The rotation values are specified as Euler angles (rx, ry,
rz). The values are interpreted based on the current working unit
for Angular measurements. Most often this is degrees. The default
behaviour, when no objects or flags are passed, is to do a absolute
rotate on each currently selected object in the world space.
move, scale,
absolute, centerPivot, euler,
objectCenterPivot, objectSpace, pivot,
preserveUV, reflection, reflectionAboutBBox, reflectionAboutOrigin, reflectionAboutX, reflectionAboutY, reflectionAboutZ, reflectionTolerance, relative, rotateX,
rotateXY, rotateXYZ, rotateXZ, rotateY,
rotateYZ, rotateZ, worldSpace
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
absolute(a) |
boolean |
Perform an absolute operation. |
relative(r) |
boolean |
Perform a operation relative to the object's current
position |
reflection(rfl) |
boolean |
To move the corresponding symmetric components also. |
reflectionAboutOrigin(rao) |
boolean |
Sets the position of the reflection axis at the origin |
reflectionAboutBBox(rab) |
boolean |
Sets the position of the reflection axis at the geometry
bounding box |
reflectionAboutX(rax) |
boolean |
Specifies the X=0 as reflection plane |
reflectionAboutY(ray) |
boolean |
Specifies the Y=0 as reflection plane |
reflectionAboutZ(raz) |
boolean |
Specifies the Z=0 as reflection plane |
reflectionTolerance(rft) |
float |
Specifies the tolerance to findout the corresponding reflected
components |
centerPivot(cp) |
boolean |
Let the pivot be the center of the bounding box of all
objects |
objectCenterPivot(ocp) |
boolean |
Let the pivot be the center of the bounding box of each
object |
pivot(p) |
[linear, linear, linear] |
Define the pivot point for the transformation |
objectSpace(os) |
boolean |
Perform rotation about object-space axis. |
worldSpace(ws) |
boolean |
Perform rotation about global world-space axis. |
euler(eu) |
boolean |
Modifer for -relative flag that specifies rotation values
should be added to current XYZ rotation values. |
rotateX(x) |
boolean |
rotateY(y) |
boolean |
rotateZ(z) |
boolean |
rotateXY(xy) |
boolean |
Rotate in X and Y direction |
rotateXZ(xz) |
boolean |
Rotate in X and Z direction |
rotateYZ(yz) |
boolean |
Rotate in Y and Z direction |
rotateXYZ(xyz) |
boolean |
Rotate in all directions (default) |
preserveUV(puv) |
boolean |
When true, UV values on rotated components are projected across
the rotation in 3d space. For small edits, this will freeze the
world space texture mapping on the object. When false, the UV
values will not change for a selected vertices. Default is
false. |
Flag can appear in Create mode of
command |
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command |
Flag can have multiple arguments, passed
either as a tuple or a list. |
import maya.cmds as cmds
# create a circle and grouped cone to rotate;
cmds.circle( n='circle1' )
cmds.cone( ax=(0, 1, 0), n='cone1' )
cmds.group( 'cone1', n='group1' )
# rotate the active objects 45 degrees about the world space X axis
# centered at each object's rotate pivot point.
cmds.select( 'cone1' )
cmds.rotate( '45deg', 0, 0, r=True )
# Set the rotation values for group1 to (90, 0, 0). This is
# equivalent to:
# cmds.setAttr('group1.rx',90)
# cmds.setAttr('group1.ry',0)
# cmds.setAttr('group1.rz',0)
cmds.rotate( '90deg', 0, 0, 'group1' )
# rotate the circle 180 degrees about its local space Y axis
# centered at the rotate pivot point 1 0 0.
cmds.rotate( 0, '180deg', 0, 'circle1', pivot=(1, 0, 0) )