Common flags for the command line renderer


The following table contains the common flags shared by all the renderers. To view these, type the following in a shell or Terminal (Mac OS X) window:

Render -help

These options complete the list of all options that you can use with:

Common options

Flag name Definition


Print MEL commands but do not execute them.


Print MEL commands before they are executed.


Keep the temporary MEL file.


Lists all available renderers.

-renderer <string> or -r <string>

Use this specific renderer: sw, hw, mr, vr, file.

-proj <string>

Use this Maya project to load the file.

-log <string>

Specifies a render log file and location. The log file contains the standard output and standard error information.

General purpose flags

Flag Definition
-rd <path>

Directory in which to store image files.

-im <filename>

Image file output name.

-fnc <int>

Frame/Animation ext, such as name, name.ext. For details, see the Render Settings: Common tab in the Rendering book.

-of <format>

Output image file format. For supported file formats, see File formats in the Rendering book.

Frame numbering options

Flag Definition
-s <float>

Start frame for an animation sequence.

-e <float>

End frame for an animation sequence.

-b <float>

By frame (or step) for an animation sequence.

-pad <int>

Number of digits in the output image frame file name extension.

-rfs <int>

Renumber frames: Start number - number for the first image when rendering.

-rfb <int>

Renumber frames: By frame - step used for renumbering frames.

Camera Options

Flag Definition
-cam <name>

Specify which camera to be used.

-rgb <boolean>

Turn RGB output on or off.

-alpha <boolean>

Turn Alpha output on or off.

-depth <boolean> Specify whether the rendered images contain a depth channel.

Resolution options

Flag Definition
-x <int>

Set X resolution of the final image.

-y <int>

Set Y resolution of the final image.

-percentRes <float>

Renders the image using the specified percent of the resolution.

-ard <float>

(Software renderer, mental ray renderer)

Device aspect ratio for the rendered image.

-par <float>

(Hardware renderer, Vector renderer)

Pixel aspect ratio for the rendered image.

-x <int>

Set X resolution of the final image.

Render Layers and Passes

Flag Definition
-rl <boolean:name>

Render each render layer separately.

-rp <boolean:name>

Render passes separately.

-sel <boolean:name>

Selects which objects, groups, and/or sets to render.

MEL callbacks

Flag Definition

-preRender <string>

MEL code executed before rendering.

-postRender <string>

MEL code executed after rendering.

-preLayer <string>

MEL code executed before each render layer.

-postLayer <string>

MEL code executed after each render layer.

-preFrame <string>

MEL code executed before each frame.

-postFrame <string>

MEL code executed after each frame.

-pre string

Obsolete flag.

-post string

Obsolete flag.