Use the Reverse utility


For a description of the Reverse utility, see Reverse.

In the following, the color of a Marble texture is reversed. This means that 0.9 is subtracted from 1, making the color value 0.1. The result can be expressed as in the following formula:

Output = 1 - Input

You can enter values for Input to get the effect you want in the Attribute Editor. Reverse outputs and accepts single-component values, two-component values, and all three-component values.

To reverse attributes

  1. Map a texture to a material’s attribute, such as Color.
  2. In the texture’s Attribute Editor, map Reverse to the attribute you want to reverse.
  3. Following the above example, in the Marble texture’s Attribute Editor, click the box next to Filler Color to open the Reverse Attribute Editor and change the Input attribute values as necessary. The following shows the results.