Use the Plus Minus Average utility


For a description of the Plus Minus Average utility, see Plus Minus Average.

You can make several connections to the same attribute using Plus Minus Average based on a number. The last part of the attribute name has a number within square brackets.

Input3D[0] designates the first connection to the Input3D attribute, Input3D[1] designates the second connection to this attribute, Input3D[2] designates the third connection to this attribute, and so on. The first connection is always assigned a 0. Each connection gets its own ID number. For example, the OutColor of Stucco consists of one group of three values that you can connect to the Input3D values, not the Input 2D values or Input1D values.


You can rearrange connections to a higher or a lower number without interfering with the other connections in the list, and you can break connections as you would any connection.