When you generate a photon or final gather visualization map, the mapVizShape shape node is added to the scene. Adjust the
attributes of this node to change the visualization map. For more information, see Photon maps and also See the distribution of photons.
Name of the photon or final gather map file to be created and saved.
If the map is a photon map, turning any of these options off hides the corresponding photon type.
This is the size of light rays on the surface to be drawn in screen space.
Each photon and final gather point has an associated normal that tells which side of a surface it is on. Raise above zero to display normals.
Raise to display the direction from which photons arrived on the surface.
Irradiance is estimated from a photon map by looking up photons within a certain radius. automatically determines a good search radius for visualization. That radius can be scaled by .