Set nParticle Dynamic Properties


Dynamic Properties are Nucleus-based attributes that determine how nParticles behave when interacting with the Nucleus forces.

To disable Nucleus wind and gravity forces for the selected nParticle object

  1. In the Attribute Editor, select the nParticle object’s nParticleShape tab.
  2. Under Dynamic Properties, turn on the following settings:

Set nParticle mass

When nParticles are created or emitted, they appear in the simulation with a mass set by the Mass attribute. You can vary nParticle mass during the simulation by setting the Mass Scale ramp. The Mass Scale ramp allows you to map per-particle Mass values to nParticle properties such as Particle ID, Radius, and Age.

For information about setting nParticle per-particle attribute ramps, see nParticle internal ramps and per-particle attributes.

To set nParticle mass

  1. In the scene view, select the nParticle object you want to edit.
  2. In the Attribute Editor, select the nParticle object’s nParticleShape tab.
  3. Under Dynamic Properties, set the Mass value.
  4. (Optional) Set the Mass Scale Randomize to add a randomized multiplier to the per-particle Mass values.

To set the nParticle Mass Scale ramp

  1. In the scene view, select the nParticle object for which you want to set a Mass Scale ramp.
  2. In the Mass Scale section of the nParticleShape node Attribute Editor, create the mass value curve by setting values for Selected Position and Selected Value. For more information, see Mass Scale.
  3. Set an Interpolation method to determine how particle mass blends between each position on the ramp. See Interpolation.
  4. Set Mass Scale Input to determine which attribute is used as the input attribute for the Mass ramp. See Mass Scale Input.
  5. (Optional) Set Input Max to define the range of the Mass Scale ramp. See Input Max.
  6. (Optional) Set the Mass Scale Randomize to add a randomized multiplier to per-particle Mass values. See Mass Scale Randomize.