MayaBullet physics simulation plug-in


Built from the Bullet physics library, the plug-in lets you use the Bullet physics engine to create large-scale, highly-realistic dynamic and kinematic simulations. MayaBullet simulations can include interacting soft body and rigid body objects, as well as constrained collision objects, all contained in a single dynamic system within Maya.

MayaBullet automatically installs with Maya on Windows 64-bit, Mac OS, and Linux systems. MayaBullet is not available for Windows 32-bit systems.

After you load the MayaBullet pug-in, you can create simulations for your Maya scenes or export them to the native .bullet file format. To export scenes or objects to the Bullet format, select bullet from the File type list in the Export Selection Options and Export All Options windows.

MayaBullet incorporates Bullet version 2.8.0. To take full advantage of CPU and GPU simulation acceleration, your system's graphics must support OpenCL (Open Computing Language).

For information about loading the MayaBullet plug-in, see Load the MayaBullet plug-in.

For documentation on MayaBullet, see

For more information about Bullet Physics, see