Optimize the Maya Hotbox and marking menus on Linux


Modifications to operating system and window manager settings are recommended to optimize the performance of Maya’s hotbox and marking menus on Linux systems.

There are three display methods that the hotbox and marking menus can use: RGB Overlay, X Compositing, and Internal Software Compositing.

In general, you should try using RGB Overlay and X Compositing to see which method works best in practice. The Internal Software Compositing method is the slowest method and should be avoided if possible.

Certain limiting factors may determine which method you can use:

Using RGB Overlay

The RGB Overlay method uses the hardware RGB overlay to display the hotbox and marking menu. This method removes flickering that occurs with Internal Software Compositing.

To turn on RGB Overlay

  1. Open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
  2. Replace the "CIOverlay" option (Color Index Overlay) as follows:
    Section "Device"
       Option "Overlay" "on"
    Section "Screen"
       Option "Overlay" "on"
  3. Turn off X Compositing as follows:
    Section "Extensions"
        Option "Composite" "false"
  4. Save the xorg.conf file.

Using X Compositing

To use the X Compositing method, the X Composite Extension must be enabled, and your window manager must have compositing enabled. This method removes flickering that occurs with Internal Software Compositing.

To turn on X Compositing

NoteX Compositing is turned on by default on Red Hat 6 and Fedora 14 systems, so you do not have to modify the xorg.conf file.
  1. Open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
  2. Turn on X Compositing as follows:
    Section "Extensions"
        Option "Composite" "true"
  3. Save the xorg.conf file.

To turn on window manager compositing

The following table outlines how to turn on window manager compositing.

Window Manager To turn on compositing…
KDE Select System Settings > Desktop Effects, and under Activation, turn on Enable desktop effects at startup.

Open the Configuration Editor, then go to Metacity > General, and turn on compositing_manager.


Consult the window manager’s Help for information.

Using Internal Software Compositing

Internal Software Compositing takes a screen shot and draws the hotbox and marking menus on top of that image to simulate the transparency.

This is a fallback method and should only be used if RGB Overlay and X Compositing methods are not suitable. You may find this method is slow and is likely to cause flickering when the hotbox or marking menu disappears from the screen.

Other Recommended Settings

Focus Settings

To further improve interaction with the hotbox and marking menus in Maya, use the following focus policy settings for the window manager you are using.

Window Manager Recommended setting
  • Use the Focus follows the Mouse Pointer policy.
  • Turn off Click raises active window.
  • For Inactive Inner Window, set Activate & Pass Click for LMB, MMB and RMB.
Metacity (with Gnome)
  • Set focus_mode to sloppy.
  • Set raise_on_click to false.

Environment Variables

The following adjustments to Maya environment variables are also recommended to improve interaction with the hotbox.

In your Maya.env file, set the following: