Populates the attribute values of one object (the target) with the attribute values of another (the source) for for all identically
named attributes that the source and target share, over all frames in the timeline.
If is turned on then only attributes currently highlighted in the are transferred.
If this option is on then attribute values are duplicated from the source object to the target object. If it is off, then
these values are referenced.
If this option is on, incoming connections from other external nodes are transferred from the source asset to the target object
using either or .
Maya creates new incoming connections from the external node to the target object. Thus, changing the external node affects
both the source object and the target object.
Maya deletes the incoming connections to the source asset and creates new connections to the target object. Thus, changing
the external node affects only the target object.
If this option is on, then all outgoing connections to other nodes are moved from the source object to the target object.
If is on and the source and target objects are assets that have identically named published parent or child anchors, then the
parent/child relationship is transferred from the source asset to the target asset.
If is on, then the target asset is renamed with the source asset’s name. The source asset is renamed with an -Orig suffix.