Splits selected polygon components (edges or faces) into smaller components. is useful when you need to add detail to an existing polygon mesh in either a global or localized manner.
Polygon faces can be divided into three-sided (triangles) or four-sided (quadrangles) faces. Edges can be subdivided so that
the number of sides on a face is increased.
The contents of the Add Divisions options window changes depending on what component selection mode you are currently in.
Add divisions (for faces)
Determines how the selected faces or edges get subdivided into smaller components. The Division of the components can occur
in either an exponential or linear manner depending on the component type.
Divides the selected faces recursively based on the setting. That is, the selected component is divided in half, then each half is further divided in half, and so on. The location
for a division on a face is dependent on the number of border edges surrounding the face.
Divides the selected faces or edges into an absolute number of segments based on the setting. For polygon edges, Linear specifies the number of new vertices that get inserted on the selected edges.
The or that appear in the options window change depending on whether polygonal faces or edges are currently selected in the scene.
(for faces)
Select one of the following:
Specifies the number of divisions that occur for selected faces. The option can have a value ranging between one and four.
The default value is one. A Division level of one divides a single face into four smaller faces when is the selected Division method. If the Division level is set to two, a single face is subdivided into sixteen smaller faces.
Turn quads on to subdivide faces into quads or turn triangles on to subdivide faces into triangles. These options are only
available for faces.
(for faces)
Select one of the following:
- in ,
When is the selected division method for faces, you can specify the number of divisions that occur along U and V for a polygon.
For example, when the and are set to three and two, the polygon face would be divided into six smaller faces.
(for edges)
Select one of the following:
When polygon edges are subdivided using the option, a subdivision level of one inserts a single vertex along the edge dividing it into two edges. When the subdivision
level is set at two, two vertices are inserted along the edge to subdivide it into three smaller edges.
Sets the minimum length of each sub-edge created. This option is only available for edges.
When turned on, the specified value is the distance between vertices in world space. When turned off, the value is the distance between vertices in local space. This option is available for edges only.
The feature is driven from the pick mask, not the current selection. For instance, if you select a face, but the pick mask is
set to Edge, will not work and if you open the option window, the option window for Edges displays. Also, if the pick mask is set to or , the option window will not open, since only faces and edges can be subdivided. To work around this, ensure that the pick mask
corresponds to the selection.