To mirror a joint chain
- Select the parent joint of the joint chain you want to duplicate.
- In the menu set (press F2), select Skeleton > Mirror Joint >
The window appears.
- In the options, select the plane across which you want the joint chain mirrored.
These options represent the plane whose origin is at the joint chain’s parent joint.
- Set the .
- If you want to rename the mirrored (duplicate) joints, enter their old names in the box and their new names in the box.
- Do one of the following:
- Click to duplicate and flip the current joint chain in the specified plane.
The window closes.
- Click to duplicate and flip the current joint chain in the specified plane.
The window remains open.
- Click to disregard the options window’s settings.
The window closes.
The joint chain is mirrored across the selected plane whose origin is at the joint chain’s parent joint.