This node stores all data for a single shot used in the .
To view the attributes for a selected shot, right-click the shot and select from the menu that appears.
Camera shot attributes
The active camera for this shot.
Start frame of the shot in the Maya timeline.
End frame of the shot in the Maya timeline.
Start frame of the shot in the sequence timeline.
End frame of the shot in the sequence timeline.
Scale factor applied to the Maya frame range of the shot.
Fixed number of frames prepended to the shot in the sequence timeline.
Fixed number of frames appended to the shot in the sequence timeline.
Displays and lets you edit the shot name.
Image Attributes
These attributes let you edit the playblast output resolution used when you playblast the shot.
Enter the width value for the playblast output. Default is 1024.
Enter the height value for the playblast output. Default is 778.
See also Playblast camera shots.