Edit wrinkle deformers


To move, rotate, or scale Wrinkle influence wires

  1. In the Outliner, select the influence wires you want to move, rotate, or scale. The influence wires are listed under the wrinkle deformer’s cluster deformer handle.
  2. Select Display > Show > Show Selection.

    Now you can manipulate each influence wire in the same way that you would if working with a wire deformer. For example, you can even move the base wires or add wire dropoff locators.

To delete a wrinkle deformer

  1. Select the wrinkle deformer’s cluster deformer node.
  2. Select Edit > Delete or use the default shortcut (Linux and Windows) or (Mac OS X) key.

    The deformer nodes are all deleted. However, the object still has the tweak node as an input node, so any tweaks you might have made are preserved.