You can create your own customized brush presets by saving the template brush settings.
To create a new brush preset
- Do one of the following:
- Select Paint Effects > Template Brush Settings and modify the brush attributes. For details, see Define template brush settings.
- When you are satisfied with your settings, select Paint Effects > Save Brush Preset. The window opens.
- In the box, type a name for the brush preset. If you save the brush to a shelf, this name appears only if the is (Window > Settings/Preferences > Shelf Editor). If you save the brush to the , this name appears below the icon for the preset.
- In the box, type an overlay label for the brush preset. The overlay label appears as part of the brush icon on the shelf.
- Select where you want to store the preset brush: or .
If you save the brush , it’s stored in the currently selected shelf.
If you save the brush , you must specify the directory (which must be writable by you). You can drag brushes from the to a .
If you are the only one using the brushes, save the brush to a . If you want to share your brushes, or if the brushes have file textures, save the brush to the .
- If you selected to save the preset to , type a brushes subdirectory location in the box. For example, if you type mybrushes, Maya attempts to save the brush in the mybrushes subfolder (which must be writable)
of the brushes folder in the .
The brushes folder is typically not writable. To save brushes to the , create a writable folder in the brushes folder and specify this directory.
- Create an icon to represent the brush, as follows:
- In the Panel, paint an area on the canvas or in the scene with the brush. If you are in the scene, render the strokes (, or click the Refresh button), if necessary.
- In the window, click the button.
- In the Panel, drag to select a painted area that represents the brush stroke. The selected area displays in the window. If you are
not satisfied with the icon, click the button again and reselect the image until you are.
You can only grab icons in the panel.
- Click to save the brush.
If you are rendering on multiple machines and your brushes use file textures, you must copy your /brushes and /brushImages directories to every machine you render on if they do not share the same disk.