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Home: Maya User's Guide
Create UVs > Per Instance Sharing
UVs menu reference
Edit UVs > Normalize
User Guide
Mapping UVs
UVs menu reference
Edit UVs
Topics in this section
Edit UVs > Normalize
Edit UVs > Unitize
Edit UVs > Flip
Edit UVs > Rotate
Edit UVs > Layout rectangle
Edit UVs > Grid
Edit UVs > Align
Edit UVs > Warp Image
Edit UVs > Map UV Border
Edit UVs > Straighten UV Border
Edit UVs > Relax
Edit UVs > Unfold
Edit UVs > Layout
Edit UVs > Cut UV Edges
Edit UVs > Split UVs
Edit UVs > Sew UV Edges
Edit UVs > Move and Sew UV Edges
Edit UVs > Merge UVs
Edit UVs > Delete UVs
Edit UVs > UV Texture Editor