Paint skin weights for creases


Reflection is disabled for the Paint Skin Weights Tool. Skin > Edit Smooth Skin > Mirror Skin Weights can be used as an alternative method to do reflection of the skin weights.

To paint creasing effects

  1. Select smooth shaded display mode (hotkey: press 5).
  2. Select the cylinder.
  3. Select Skin > Edit Smooth Skin > Paint Skin Weights Tool > .
  4. In the Tool Settings window, the Influence section should be displayed. For more information, see Skin > Edit Smooth Skin > Paint Skin Weights Tool.
  5. Note the Transform box.
  6. Click a joint name. For example, click joint3.
  7. In the Influence box, click another joint name. For example, click joint4.
  8. Check the influence of one more of the joints. For example, check the influence of joint2.
  9. Use the Paint Skin Weights Tool to paint how the joints influence creasing.