Attribute long name (and short name) |
Description |
Data Type |
acceleration (acc)
Sets the rate of change of velocity on a per particle basis.
vector array
age (ag)
Contains the number of seconds each particle in the object has existed since the first frame. This is a read-only attribute.
float array
Specifies the name of the attribute whose values are to be displayed at particle positions. By default, particle id numbers
are displayed. Valid for render type.
Provides smoother lighting and shadowing at the expense of increased processing time. Valid for render type.
Stores the position at which each particle was born in the particle’s .
vector array
birthTime (bt)
Contains the value at which each particle in the object was created. This is a read-only attribute.
float array
cacheData (chd)
Turns on or off dynamic state caching for the object.
castsShadows (rsh)
Turns on or off the object’s ability to cast shadows in software rendered images. Valid for , , and render types.
centroidX, centroidY, centroidZ (ctdx, ctdy, ctdz)
Contains the X, Y, and Z elements of the average position of its particles. These are read-only attributes.
collisionFriction (cfr)
Sets how much the colliding particle’s velocity parallel to the surface decreases or increases as it bounces off the collision
surface. This attribute is displayed as in the user interface. It works on a per geometry basis.
float (multi)
collisionResilience (crs)
Sets how much rebound occurs when particles collide with a surface. This attribute is listed as in the user interface. It works on a per geometry basis.
float (multi)
collisionU, collisionV*
U and V positions of the where a particle collided in the current frame. For , the values are always 0. The values are reset to -1 at the start of each frame. Values change only in frames where collision
occurs. These are read-only attributes.
Adds the RGB components of overlapping particles. Also adds opacity values of overlapping particles. Generally, colors become
brighter and more opaque as they overlap. To see the effect of , you must add an opacity attribute to particles displayed as . Valid for , , , and render types.
Sets blue component of RGB color. Valid for all render types except and .
Sets green component of RGB color. Valid for all render types except and .
Sets red component of RGB color. Valid for all render types except and .
conserve (con)
Sets how much of a particle object’s velocity attribute value is retained from frame to frame.
count (cnt)
Contains the total number of particles in the object. This is a read-only attribute.
currentTime (cti)
Sets the time value for the particle object’s independent clock.
depthSort (ds)
Turns on or off depth sorting of particles for rendering. This prevents unexpected colors when you hardware render overlapping
colored, transparent particles. Valid for , , , , and render types.
dynamicsWeight (dw)
Scales the effect of fields, collisions, springs, goals, and emission on particles.
emissionInWorld (eiw)
When on, emission occurs in the world coordinate system. This is the default setting. When off, emission occurs in the emitted
particle object’s local space.
Sets the per particle emission rate.
float array
enforceCountFromHistory (ecfh)
In a soft body, if you change the original geometry’s construction history in a way that alters the number of CVs, vertices,
or lattice points, Maya updates the number of particles of the soft body correspondingly.
Contains the number of times each particle in the object has hit something. This is a read-only attribute.
float array
expressionsAfterDynamics (ead)
Sets whether expressions are evaluated before or after other dynamics.
force (frc)
Contains the accumulation of all forces acting on the particle object. This is a read-only attribute. If you use this attribute
in an expression, first turn on .
vector array
forcesInWorld (fiw)
Sets whether forces are applied to the object in world space or in its local space.
goalActive (ga)
For a goal object, turns each goal on or off. It has the same effect as setting the corresponding to 0, except the animation processing is more efficient. This attribute works on a per object basis.
boolean (multi)
Sets an offset to the world space position of the goal object.
vector array
Sets how much the particles try to follow the goal on a per particle basis.
float array
goalSmoothness (gsm)
Sets how smoothly goal forces change as the goal weight changes from 0 to 1. The higher the number, the smoother the change.
goalU, goalV*
Set the exact locations on a where the particles are attracted.
float array
goalWeight (gw)
Sets sets how much all particles of the object are attracted to the goal.
float (multi)
Sets glow color in conjunction with a software rendering . Valid for and render types.
vector array
inheritFactor (inh)
Sets the (decimal) fraction of velocity an emitted particle object inherits from an emitter.
inputGeometrySpace (igs)
For a soft body, this sets the coordinate space Maya uses to position point data provided by the input geometry to the .
isDynamic (isd)
Turns on or off dynamic animation of the object.
isFull (ifl)
Contains 1 if an emitted is full, or 0 if not full. An emitted is full when the number of emitted particles equals the . This is a read-only attribute.
Sets when all particles in the object die.
Sets when particles die on a per particle basis.
float array
levelOfDetail (lod)
Scales the number of particles that can be emitted into the emitted particle object.
lineWidth *
Sets the width of streaking particles. Valid for and render types.
mass (mas)
Specifies the physical mass of particles. Mass values affect the results of dynamic calculations. By default, each particle
of a particle object has a mass of 1.
float array
mass0 (mas0)
Initial state counterpart to mass.
float array
maxCount (mxc)
Sets a limit on the number of particles the emitted accepts from an emitter.
Sets number of points you want displayed for each particle in the object. Valid for and render types.
Sets radius of spherical region in which particles are randomly distributed. Valid for and render types.
Turns on or off the ability to read the and attributes. If you add a surface emitter to a , and contain the UV coordinates where each particle was emitted. You can use these attributes in expressions and MEL scripts.
Sets direction of normal for particles. Use with . Valid for , , , and render types.
integer (1-3)
Sets amount of transparency for all particles in the object. Valid for all render types except and .
Sets amount of transparency on a per particle basis. Valid for all render types except , , and .
float array
particleId (id)
Contains the id number of each particle. Valid for render type. This is a read-only attribute.
float array
If you emit from a particle object, this contains the id of all particles that emit the particles. You can use the id to query
the emitting object’s attribute values, for example, acceleration, velocity, and lifespanPP. This is a read-only attribute.
If you use the MEL emit command to create the particles that emit, the parentId attribute of those emitted particles is always
float array
parentU, parentV*
If you add a surface emitter to a , these attributes contain the UV coordinates where each particle was emitted. To use these read-only attributes, you must
turn on in the emitter. You can use these attributes in expressions and MEL scripts.
float array
Sets render display type of particles, for example, .
Sets how large particles are displayed. Valid for , , and render types.
position (pos)
Sets the object position in local space coordinates on a per particle basis.
vector array
position0 (pos0)
Initial state counterpart to position.
vector array
Sets radius size of all particles. Valid for , , and render types.
Sets starting point radius for render type.
Sets ending point radius for render type.
Sets radius size on a per particle basis. Valid for , , and , render types.
float array
rampAcceleration (rac)
Controls acceleration with a ramp. Any other animation of acceleration is added to the ramp-controlled acceleration.
vector array
rampPosition (rps)
Controls position with a ramp. Any other animation of position is added to the ramp-controlled position.
vector array
rampVelocity (rvl)
Controls velocity with a ramp. Any other animation of velocity is added to the ramp-controlled velocity.
vector array
Sets color on a per particle basis. Valid for , , , , , and render types.
vector array
seed (sd)
Sets the id of the random number generator of the associated emitter. This attribute works on a per object basis.
float (multi)
sceneTimeStepSize (sts)
Contains the value of the time difference between the last displayed frame and current frame. This contains 1 if you’re simply
playing the animation or clicking the frame forward or backward button. If you click widely separated frames in the Time Slider,
the attribute contains the difference in time between the two frames. This is a read-only attribute.
time (in current units)
Turns on or off display of id numbers only for selected particles. Valid for render type.
Sets the image number index for a image sequence.
Sets the image number index for a image sequence on a per particle basis.
integer array
spriteScaleX, spriteScaleY*
Sets the X- and Y-axis image scale.
spriteScaleXPP, spriteScaleYPP*
Sets the X- and Y-axis image scale on a per particle basis.
float array
Sets the image’s rotation angle.
Sets the image’s rotation angle on a per particle basis.
float array
startFrame (stf)
Sets the animation frame after which dynamics (including emission) are computed for the object.
Sets how sharply the spheres of render type are displayed. Use a value between 0 and 1. A value of 1 displays spheres more distinctly; a value of 0 creates
a cloudier effect.
Sets the opacity of tail fade. Valid for and render types.
Sets the length of the tails for , , and render types.
targetGeometrySpace (tgs)
For a soft body, sets the coordinate space Maya uses to position point data provided by the to the target geometry.
Controls surface blending between or surface spheres. This is a read-only attribute.
timeStepSize (tss)
Contains the animation frame increment in current units. For example, if your animation is set to , has a value of 1 (frame).
Keying or otherwise setting the value alters the . For instance, with a frame rate of 24 frames per second, suppose you set the to 0 at frame 0, and to 100 at frame 50. Because you’re compressing twice as much time between frames 0 and 50, the is twice as large, in other words, 2. This is a read-only attribute.
totalEventCount (evc)
Contains total events that have occurred for all particles of the object. This is a read-only attribute.
traceDepth (trd)
Sets the maximum number of collisions Maya can detect for the object in each animation time step.
Sets the trace depth on a per particle basis.
float array
Turns on or off whether scene lighting lights up particles. Valid for , , , , and render types.
userScalar1PP userScalar2PP userScalar3PP userScalar4PP userScalar5PP
Predefined outputs for user-defined attributes used in Particle Sampler Info node.
float array
userVector1PP userVector2PP userVector3PP userVector4PP userVector5PP
Predefined outputs for user-defined attributes used in Particle Sampler Info node.
vector array
velocity (vel)
Sets speed and direction on a per particle basis.
vector array
velocity0 (vel0)
Initial state counterpart to velocity
vector array
visibleInReflections (rrl)
Turns on or off whether the object is visible in reflections when software rendered. Valid for , , and render types.
visibleInRefractions (rrr)
Turns on or off whether the object is visible in refractions when software rendered. Valid for , , and render types
Stores the position at which each particle was born in world space.
vector array
worldCentroidX, worldCentroidY, worldCentroidZ (wctx, wcty, wctz)
Contains the world space X, Y, and Z elements of the average position of its particles. These attributes are a read-only attributes.
worldPosition (wps)
Contains the world space counterpart to position. This is a read-only attribute.
vector array
worldVelocity (wvl)
Contains the world space counterpart to velocity. This is a read-only attribute.
vector array
worldVelocityInObjectSpace (wvo)
Contains the local space equivalent to the object’s world space velocity. This is a read-only attribute.
vector array