The fopen, fwrite, fprint, fread, and fclose commands let you work with files.
Before you can read from or write to a file, you need to open the file using the fopen function.
fopen takes two string arguments:
If you add a “+” character to the mode character, Maya opens the file to both read and write.
fopen returns a file handle. The file handle represents the open file. You should save this value in a variable so you can work with the open file using other commands such as fprint.
$fileId = fopen($exampleFileName,"r");
Once you have opened a file to read, you can actually read data from the file using one of the following commands:
To... | Use this command |
Read a line (read to the next newline). |
fgetline (fileID) |
Read a word (read to the next whitespace). |
fgetword (fileID) |
Read a single value. |
fread (fileID, type) |
// Read a file one line at a time $fileId=fopen($exampleFileName,"r"); string $nextLine = `fgetline $fileId`; while ( size( $nextLine ) > 0 ) { print ( $nextLine ); $nextLine = `fgetline $fileId`; }
Testing for the end of the file
The feof <fileID> function returns non-zero if you are at the end of the file.
string $nextWord = `fgetword $fileId`; while ( !feof($fileId) ) { print ( $nextWord + "\n" ); $nextWord = fgetword($fileId); }
If an empty file is opened, feof will not detect that it is at the end of the file until at least one read is performed.
Once you have opened a file to write or append, you can actually write data to the file using one of the following commands:
To... | Use this command |
Print to the file using an equivalent to the print command. |
fprint (fileID,string) |
Write binary data. |
fwrite (fileID, value) |
$fileId = fopen($exampleFileName,"w"); fprint($fileId,"Hello there\n"); fclose($fileId);
The fwrite command writes the data argument in binary format to a file. It writes strings as ASCII terminating with a NULL character. You should not use fwrite for writing to a text file or for writing raw bytes unless you want a NULL character on the end.
To flush the write buffer without closing the file, use fflush(fileID).
To reset the file position pointer to the beginning of the file, use frewind(fileID).