These are the options in the Paint Effects Rendering Options section of the Render Settings window, Maya Software tab. These options are only available when using the Maya Software renderer.
Turn this option on to render only the Paint Effects strokes in your scene. You may want to render the strokes separately from the rest of your scene, then composite the strokes with the scene. For details, see Create a composite of Paint Effects strokes and your scene.
If you are compositing your rendered scene with rendered Paint Effects strokes, type the location and name of the depth file for the rendered scene. Use the absolute path name, for example:
/h/username/rainyday.iff (Linux) c:\username\rainyday.iff (Windows) /username/rainyday.iff (Mac OS X))
If you are rendering an animation, and have an animated input file, place the # character where the frame number is in the source input files.For example, for files foo1.iff, foo2.iff, and so on, enter foo.#.iff. For files foo1, foo2, and so on, enter foo.#. When you render, the # character is replaced with the current frame number.
For more information, see Create a composite of Paint Effects strokes and your scene.
Also, if you do not supply a depth file (an .iff file with depth information), Paint Effects strokes that are behind objects in your scene will be rendered. Maya will not overwrite your existing images supplied as a depth file—the output will be named as shown at the top of the Render Settings window.