You can texture a fluid using the built-in Mandelbrot texture. The Mandelbrot set is a collection of mathematical points
in the complex plane and the boundary of which produces an interesting fractal shape. Using this texture type, you can texture
your fluid opacity with the Mandelbrot set as well as its different variations such as the Julia set, the Mandelbox set and
other hybrid evaluations.
NoteUse this built-in texture to texture opacity rather than color.
For more information about the Mandelbrot texture, see Mandelbrot.
To texture your fluid with a Mandelbrot set (Method 1: using presets):
- Select .
- Click on the right hand side of the fluidShape .
- Select among presets such as , and
To texture your fluid with a Mandelbrot set (Method 2):
- Select .
- Under of the fluidShape node , set and to .
- Under , set to .
- Under , enable . Select as the .
- Select among five evaluation types for the : , , , , .
- Under , decrease to zero.
- Under , adjust the input bias.
- Under , enable .
- Under , increase the .
- Under , lower the to 0.5, for example, for a faster render.
- Under , select so that it renders as a surface and not as polygons.
- Under , increase the number of to, for example, 7.
This is now a Mandelbulb.
- Under , select as the to make the surface more fine.
To render your fluid
- Increase the anti-aliasing quality. Click the Render Settings button
and select as your renderer. Select under in the tab.
NoteCurrently, rendering of the Mandelbrot texture is only supported by the Maya Software renderer.
To add color to your Mandelbrot, you can tweak the settings under the section . For example, you can set as your and select color ramp values.
- Click
to render your image with the Maya software renderer.
Experiment with different evaluation types, and customize your texture with different effects by adding leaves, checkers,
points and circles.