- You can only create nCloth objects from polygon meshes.
- Higher resolution polygon meshes create nCloth objects with higher quality collisions.
- Do not use polygon meshes with long skinny triangles for nCloth.
- Do not change the topology of nCloth objects while simulating. Changing the topology (modifications to the mesh surface that
change vertices) of nCloth objects may result in collision failures.
To make a mesh nCloth
- In the scene view, select the polygon mesh you want to make nCloth.
- In the menu set, select nMesh > Create nCloth >
The window appears.
- Turn on or .
If you select , the input and output meshes of the nCloth you want to create will both be affected by the Maya® Nucleus™ solver and they will share the same transform node. Also, the nCloth’s input mesh will always move with and follow its output
mesh. produces the most predictable and desirable nCloth behavior.
If you select , only the output mesh of the nCloth you want to create is affected by the Maya Nucleus solver and the nCloth’s input and
output meshes will each have their own transform nodes. Also, the nCloth’s input mesh will not move with and follow its output mesh. is the most useful if you plan to export the cache of the nCloth you want to create.
- If you want to attach the nCloth you are creating to an existing Maya Nucleus solver, select the solver from the drop-down list.
If you want to create a new Maya Nucleus solver for the nCloth your are creating, select from the drop-down list.
- Click .
The nCloth object and its Maya Nucleus solver are created. The nCloth is a tessellated (internally) duplicate of the polygon
mesh you selected that is driven by the Maya Nucleus solver. The nCloth node contains all the nCloth’s properties and various Maya Nucleus solver overrides. The nucleus node contains all the Maya Nucleus internal forces that drive the nCloth.
The original polygon mesh is hidden and made the nCloth’s input mesh (original mesh’s Shape node). You can model the input mesh to change your nCloth’s topology.
The nCloth visible in the scene view is the nCloth’s output mesh (outputCloth). If you want animate (non-dynamically) your nCloth object, you should keyframe the output mesh.
If you want to adjust your nCloth’s internal tessellation, you can do so with drop-down list in the section of the outputCloth node.
Assign nCloth or passive object to a new or existing solver
Once you’ve created nCloth objects or passive objects, you can assign them to a new solver, or a different existing solver
within your scene. Because nCloth objects and passive objects can only interact with each other when sharing the same Maya
Nucleus solver, you may want to move objects from one solver to another or separate objects to their own solver.
To assign your nCloth or passive object to a new or existing solver
- In the scene view, select the nCloth or passive object that you want to assign to a new solver.
- In the menu set, select nSolver > Assign Solver.
A list of solvers appears.
- From the solver list, select , or an existing solver.
If you select , Maya creates a new Maya Nucleus Solver, which appears in the , and assigns the selected object(s) to it.
If you select an existing solver, Maya assigns the selected object(s) to it.
To set nCloth properties
- In the scene view, select the nCloth object whose properties you want to edit.
- In the , select the nCloth object’s nClothShape tab.
- Edit the property values to adjust the basic behavior of your nCloth.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the force generated by nCloth collision.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the nCloth’s bounciness or its amount of deflection on collision.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the amount the nCloth resists relative motion on collision.
- Adjust Stickiness to increase or decrease the tendency of the nCloth to stick to other objects on collision.
- Edit the values to override your nCloth’s Maya Nucleus or internal forces settings.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the amount the nCloth’s links resist stretching when under tension.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the amount the nCloth’s edges resist bending when under strain.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the amount the nCloth’s links resist compression when under pressure.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the weight of the nCloth when under the influence of greater than zero.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the amount of lift applied to the nCloth.
- Adjust to increase or decrease the amount of air resistance applied to the nCloth.
- In the , select the nCloth object’s nucleus tab.
- Edit the Maya Nucleus values to change the settings of the nCloth’s internal forces.
- Adjust the to increase or decrease the amount of applied to the nCloth.
- Adjust the to increase or decrease the speed and force of the dynamic wind affecting the nCloth.
For more information on nClothShape and nucleus node properties, see nClothShape and nucleus.
Working with large-sized nCloth objects
Gravity interprets Maya’s units as meters. When the working units of your nCloth’s scene is not set to meters (such as Maya’s
default centimeter working unit), you may need to adjust the Space Scale of your nCloth’s Maya Nucleus solver. Otherwise,
the large-sized nCloth objects in your scene may not behave as desired. For example, when is 1.0 (default), treats a 100 centimeter wide nCloth object like it is 100 meters wide. To improve the behavior of your large-sized nCloth
objects, reduce the value.
To work with large-sized nCloth objects
- Select the large nCloth.
- In the , select the nucleus tab.
- In the section, reduce the value until your large-size nCloth behaves as desired.
Use nCloth examples and attribute presets
To apply nCloth attribute presets to an nCloth object
- Select the nCloth object to which you want to apply attribute presets.
- In the , select the nClothShape tab.
- Click-hold the button.
The nCloth Attribute pop-up menu appears.
- Select the attribute preset you want to apply to the selected nCloth object.
- If you want to replace the nCloth object’s current attribute settings with those of a preset, select AttributePreset > .
- If you want to replace more than one nCloth object’s current attribute settings with those of a preset, select AttributePreset > .
- If you want to blend the nCloth object’s current attribute settings with those of a preset, select AttributePreset > %. For example, if you select chiffon > 25%, then the nCloth object’s attribute settings would become a blend of its current settings (75%) and those of the chiffon
preset (25%).
When you apply an attribute preset to an nCloth object, a description of the preset’s effect appears in the section of the object’s nClothShape tab. This description can help you better understand how the preset’s attribute settings
effect your nCloth’s behavior. For a list of the attribute settings used to create the nCloth presets, see nCloth attribute presets.
To save custom nCloth attribute presets
- Select the nCloth object whose current attribute settings you want to save as a custom nCloth attribute preset.
- In the , select the nClothShape tab.
- Click-hold the button.
The nCloth Attribute pop-up menu appears.
- Select .
The window appears.
- In the field type the name of the custom attribute preset you want to create, and then click .
To delete custom nCloth attribute presets
- Select the nCloth object for which you want to delete a custom nCloth attribute preset.
- In the , select the nClothShape tab.
- Click-hold the button.
The nCloth Attribute pop-up menu appears.
- Select .
The window appears.
- Select the name of the custom attribute preset you want to delete, and then click .
To use nCloth example files
- In the menu set, select nMesh > Get nCloth Example.
The appears with the tab selected.
- Select the icon for the nCloth example file you want to use and
-drag it to your scene view.
The nCloth example opens in Maya.
You can now use the example file as a starting point for your own nCloth project.
Many of the nCloth example files contain descriptions of their contents, located in the sections of their tabs. These descriptions can help you better understand how the effects in the example files were achieved.
To make an nCloth object a polygon mesh
- Select the nCloth object you want to convert to a regular polygon mesh.
- Select nMesh > Remove nCloth.
The nCloth object becomes a non-dynamic polygon mesh with the topology and state of the nCloth’s input mesh.
To delete nCloth construction history
- Select the nCloth object for which you would like to delete its construction history.
- Select nMesh > Delete History >
The window appears.
- Do one of the following:
- Turn on to delete all upstream construction history for the selected nCloth.
- Turn on to delete all upstream history except deformers for the selected nCloth.
- Click .