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RGB to HSV is a utility node that allows you to convert an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color into an HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) color.

There are some kinds of effects that are easier to calculate using HSV values than RGB values. With this node, you can convert the output of any shading network into HSV values. Example: Say you want to 'rotate' the Hue values of an image, like when you adjust the Hue control on a color television. This shifts the colors in the image around; red becomes yellow, green becomes cyan, etc. You could do that like this:
  File Texture    RGBtoHSV    PlusMinusAverage      HSVtoRGB   Blinn
  ------------    --------    ----------------      --------   -----
  Out Color------>In Rgb
                  Out Hsv---->Input3D[0]
                              Operation = "Sum"
                              Output3D------------->In Hsv
                                                    Out Rgb--->Color
In the table below, important attributes have their names listed in bold in the description column.

This node is MP safe

Node name Parents Classification MFn type Compatible function sets
rgbToHsv node utility/color:drawdb/shader/operation/rgbToHsv kRgbToHsv kBase

Related nodes

blendColors, clamp, lightInfo, gammaCorrect, surfaceLuminance, contrast, luminance, hsvToRgb, samplerInfo, setRange, resolution, renderQuality, renderGlobals, renderGlobalsList, baseShadingSwitch, singleShadingSwitch, doubleShadingSwitch, tripleShadingSwitch

Attributes (9)

inRgb, inRgbB, inRgbG, inRgbR, outHsv, outHsvH, outHsvS, outHsvV, renderPassMode

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
inRgb (i) float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
In Rgb is the color that will be converted into HSV values.
inRgbR (ir) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The first (red) component of In Rgb
inRgbG (ig) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The second (green) component of In Rgb
inRgbB (ib) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The third (blue) component of In Rgb
renderPassMode (arp) enum 1 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
renderPassMode controls how the node affects material render passes.
outHsv (o) float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputconnectable
Out Hsv is the output HSV values.
outHsvH (oh) float 0.0 outputconnectable
The first (hue) component of Out Hsv. This value ranges from 0 to 360, representing degrees of a circle. The primary colors are found here:
0/360: Red
60: Yellow
120: Green
180: Cyan
240: Blue
300: Magenta
outHsvS (os) float 0.0 outputconnectable
The second (saturation) component of Out Hsv. The range is from 0 to 1 where 0 is a shade of grey, and 1 is a completely saturated color.
outHsvV (ov) float 0.0 outputconnectable
The third (value) component of Out Hsv. The range is from 0 to 1, where 0 is black and 1 is the brightest possible color of the given saturation.