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This node represents an animation curve that can be used as input to any simple numeric attribute. Animation curves consist of keyframes and the interpolated spans between them; the "setKeyframe" command can be used to add new keyframes to a curve.

Information stored in this node includes: To avoid implicit unit conversions, the keyframe times and values are attributes of the specific animation curve node required. The types available are based on the input and output attributes of the curve node.
Name Input Type Output Type
animCurveTL time distance
animCurveTA time angle
animCurveTT time time
animCurveTU time double
animCurveUL double distance
animCurveUA double angle
animCurveUT double time
animCurveUU double double

This node is abstract

Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
animCurve node kAnimCurve kBase

Related nodes

expression, animCurveUT, animCurveUU, animCurveUA, animCurveTT, animCurveTU, animCurveUL, resultCurve, resultCurveTimeToLinear, resultCurveTimeToTime, resultCurveTimeToUnitless, resultCurveTimeToAngular, animCurveTA, animCurveTL, animBlend, animBlendInOut

Attributes (26)

apply, curveColor, curveColorB, curveColorG, curveColorR, inStippleRange, keyBreakdown, keyTanInType, keyTanInX, keyTanInY, keyTanLocked, keyTanOutType, keyTanOutX, keyTanOutY, keyTickDrawSpecial, keyWeightLocked, outStippleRange, outStippleThreshold, postInfinity, preInfinity, rotationInterpolation, stipplePattern, stippleReverse, tangentType, useCurveColor, weightedTangents

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
apply (a) function NULL outputconnectable
Function attribute to get the value of the param curve at a point
tangentType (tan) enum 4 outputinputstorablehidden
Most common tangent type of keyframes in this curve. Used as a performance optimization during file store/retrieve. The following are legal values: 1=Fixed, 2=Linear, 3=Flat, 5=Step, 6=Slow, 7=Fast, 9=Spline, 10=Clamped, 16 = Plateau, 17 = StepNext, 18 = Auto
weightedTangents (wgt) bool true outputinputstorablehidden
Specifies whether or not the tangents on the animCurve are weighted
keyTanLocked (ktl) bool true arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
True makes the in- and out-tangents move together. False makes them move separately.
keyWeightLocked (kwl) bool true arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
True prevents changes to the tangent weight. False allows changes.
keyTanInX (kix) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
The horizontal component of the keyframe in-tangent
keyTanInY (kiy) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
The vertical component of the keyframe in-tangent
keyTanOutX (kox) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
The horizontal component of the keyframe out-tangent
keyTanOutY (koy) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
The vertical component of the keyframe out-tangent
keyTanInType (kit) enum 4 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
The tangent type of the keyframe's in tangent. The following are legal values: 1=Fixed, 2=Linear, 3=Flat, 5=Step, 6=Slow, 7=Fast, 9=Spline, 10=Clamped, 16 = Plateau, 18 = Auto
keyTanOutType (kot) enum 4 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
The tangent type of the keyframe's out tangent. The following are legal values: 1=Fixed, 2=Linear, 3=Flat, 5=Step, 6=Slow, 7=Fast, 9=Spline, 10=Clamped, 16 = Plateau, 17 = StepNext, 18 = Auto
keyBreakdown (kbd) bool false arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
True makes this key act as a breakdown. False makes this key a key.
keyTickDrawSpecial (kyts) bool false arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
True causes the tick mark representing a given key to be drawn specially in the time-slider using the user-definable special tick color. False causes the tick mark representing a given key to be drawn normally.
rotationInterpolation (roti) enum 1 outputinputstorablehidden
This attribute specifies how the curve data is interpolated if the curve is being utilised for rotation. The following are legal values: 1="None" for Unsynchronized Euler angled curves, where keyframes on sibling curves are independent. For non-rotational curves, this is the only possible setting. 2="Euler" for synchronized Euler-angled curves where sibling curve keyframes are coincident in time sibling curve, 3="Quaternion Tangent Dependent" for synchronized quaternion interpolation where sibling curve keyframes are coincident and quaternion interpolation is performed between keyframes, taking into account the tangents on individual keys. 4="Quaternion Slerp" applies quaternion spherical linear interpolation, ignoring any tangents 5="Quaternion Squad" applies a cubic interpolation in quaternion space, ignoring any tangents "None" (1) for non-rotational curves as well as for pre-4.0 rotational behaviour.
preInfinity (pre) enum 0 outputinputstorablehidden
Controls how the curve is evaluated before the first keyframe. The following are legal values: 0=Constant, 1=Linear, 3=Cycle, 4=Cycle with Offset, 5=Oscillate
postInfinity (pst) enum 0 outputinputstorablehidden
Controls how the curve is evaluated after the last keyframe. The following are legal values: 0=Constant, 1=Linear, 3=Cycle, 4=Cycle with Offset, 5=Oscillate
stipplePattern (sp) enum 6 outputinputconnectablestorable
An Enum to set the stipple pattern for the sections of the anim curve that are specified by the stippleRegion attribute. The default is long dotted (--- --- --- ---).
outStippleThreshold (ot) double 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
If the anim curve gets at or below this value, the outStippleRange will treat it as a region to stipple.
outStippleRange (osr) doubleArray empty outputinputconnectablestorable
A double array containing pairs of ranges (if time, in seconds) of regions when the anim curve is below the stippleThreshold.
inStippleRange (isr) doubleArray empty outputinputconnectablestorable
A double array that contains pairs of ranges to stipple.
stippleReverse (sr) bool false outputinputconnectablestorable
When true, the stippled regions will become unstippled, and the solid regions will become stippled. This attribute will only have an effect if the inStippleRange attribute is connected.
useCurveColor (ucc) bool false outputinputconnectablestorable
Specifies the display style for this curve. If false, Maya's default color scheme is used for drawing the curve. If true, the value of the curveColor attribute is used for drawing.
curveColor (cc) float3 outputinputconnectablestorable
If the useCurveColor attribute is true, then the curveColor attribute provides the color used to draw curve segments when the curve is inactive (i.e. not selected). This setting is only visible in the graph editor.
curveColorR (ccr) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
Curve color red value (used for curve segments of a non-active curve).
curveColorG (ccg) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
Curve color green value (used for curve segments of a non-active curve).
curveColorB (ccb) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
Curve color blue value (used for curve segments of a non-active curve).