Starting this release the Maya Help is being published to the website. By default, Maya 2012 calls the help from a web location to provide you with the latest documentation available. This shift to publishing directly to the web means we can provide regular updates and additions to content in an ongoing manner. This change also significantly reduces the footprint of locally installed data to your machine and makes the install and uninstall of Maya quicker.
A download version of the 2012 Maya Help will be available for those who prefer a local copy.
Maya Learning Channel on YouTube
A dedicated Autodesk Maya Learning Channel is now available on YouTube, providing trusted content authored by Autodesk. The channel streams videos on various workflows, features, and interoperability topics. New videos are posted regularly; subscribe to the channel to receive notification.
Several chapters of the Maya Help that have not been recently updated are now available in an online archive. To access the archive, see
For more information, see Maya documentation archive.
API Guide and mental ray Manual new locations
The API Guide, Maya API reference, and mental ray Manual are now separate from the Maya help.
As of this release, all FBX Help documentation is available from a website, rather than installed locally.
Click the Help on FBX button in the plug-in to access documentation online.
The Autodesk FBX Help option has been removed from the Autodesk Maya Help menu. You can now find FBX information included as a part of the Maya Help.