Creates beveled transition surfaces from a profile curve.
This option attaches each part of the bevel surface. If off, the surfaces are not attached. For example, if is off and you create a bevel with set to , three surfaces are created. These surfaces are independent and can be selected and modified as such.
Specifies whether the beveled surface area is applied to the top, bottom, or both sides of the original curve or isoparm.
The following example uses a NURBS circle primitive curve using each method.
Setting the Bevel option to disables the bevel option controls (, ,, and ). If you do this, you can use for simple extrusions.
The value specifies the initial width of the bevel as viewed from the front of the curve or isoparm.
Thevalue sets the initial depth of the bevel part of the surface. The combination of and sets the bevel angle.
The value specifies the height of the extruded portion of the surface, not including the bevel surface area.
The options specify how corners in the original construction curves are handled in the beveled surface. Note that if the curves
are degree 1 or 2, the bevel’s surface is cubic (degree 3).
The options set the shape of the beveled part of the surface.
The options let you create a bevel within a specified tolerance of the original input curves.
When this option is set, Maya uses the value in the part of thewindow.
Local tolerance lets you enter a new value to override the value in the window.
Use the options if you are creating a bevel from a curve.
This option uses the entire curve for the bevel operation.
This option lets you use a segment of the curve for the bevel.
Specifies the type of geometry created. ( means subdivision surfaces.)
The information is read-only. It gives you access to the history of the curves or isoparms you used to create the bevel surface.
Click the arrow buttons to select the curve and open its section of the editor.