Edit rigid skin point weights

With the Component Editor, you can directly modify the values of individual rigid skin point weights.

To query rigid skin point weights

  1. Select the rigid skin points whose weights you want to edit.
  2. Select Window > General Editors > Component Editor.
  3. Click the Rigid Skins tab. The Rigid Skins section lists the weights assigned to CVs, vertices, or lattice points bound to a skeleton’s joints by rigid skinning.

To modify a rigid skin point’s weight

  1. In the Component Editor spreadsheet, click the component data box you want to edit.
  2. Enter a new value and press (Windows) or (Mac OS X).

To modify several rigid skin point weights at once

  1. Select the points whose weights you want to edit.
  2. In the Component Editor spreadsheet, select the appropriate tab, then drag through the component data boxes you want to edit. You can also -select entire rows or columns of boxes.
  3. Enter the value you want all the boxes to have and press (Windows) or (Mac OS X).