Create a MEL procedure for collision events

To use an event procedure with collision events, your MEL script containing the procedure must have the following format and argument list:

global proc 
, int
, string
) {
Type MEL statements here;


When you create an event procedure, be aware of following:

To add the script procedure to a particle collision event

  1. Open the Script Editor by selecting Windows > General Editor > Script Editor.
  2. In the Script Editor select File > Source Script to source the script that contains the procedure.

    If the procedure creates objects, Maya does not delete them when you rewind your simulation. You can also source a procedure without sourcing the script that contains it. See the MEL and Expressions guide for more details on working with scripts and procedures.

  3. Depending on the particle type, do one of the following:

    The Particle Collision Event Editor appears.

  4. In the Particle Collision Event Editor do the following:
    • Click Create Event.
    • (Optional) Turn on Original Particles Die if you want the source particle object to die after the collision.
    • Type the name of your event procedure in the Event procedure field.