Exporting a render template

You can create a template of your render setup, including your render target and its connections, and export it to a different scene to be re-used. This obviates the need to re-create your re-combination.

  1. Graph out your render target in the Hypershade using the button.
  2. Select all nodes in graph and any other objects you wish to include in your template.
  3. Select File > Export Selection to export your template.

    The template that you are exporting is a Maya file.

  4. Open the scene where you want to re-use your template. Import your template by selecting File > Import.

Your render target and its connections (for example, render passes, layered texture, and render layers) are imported and can be re-used.

ImportantAssociations between the default layer and its render passes are not recreated when you import a network into a new file, and you must re-associate the passes. The recommended method is to use a new render layer for your passes and include that layer when you export. This way, all of the associations are maintained when you import your template into a new scene.