Copy UVs and color attributes between polygons

You can copy UV, shader, and color per vertex attributes between faces of different polygon meshes using the Mesh > Clipboard Actions features. The ability to copy UV attributes between meshes is useful when a polygon mesh has been modified and you cannot further modify the UVs. It is also useful for copying attributes between meshes that have differing topologies.

You can only copy attributes between polygon faces that have similar vertex counts. The copied UV attributes are placed in a separate shell.

To copy UVs, shaders, or color per vertex data between polygons

  1. Select the polygon face whose attributes you want to copy and choose Mesh > Clipboard Actions > Copy Attributes > .
  2. In the Copy Clipboard Options window, set the attributes you want to copy (UV, Shader, and Color) and click Apply and Close.

    You can set the options so that one or more attributes get copied to the clipboard.

  3. Select the polygon face you want to copy the attributes to and choose Mesh > Clipboard Actions > Paste Attributes.

    The previously copied attributes are pasted onto the selected face.


    You can also clear the attributes contained on the clipboard by choosing Mesh > Clipboard Actions > Clear Clipboard.

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