Combo Box Control Types

This combo box parameter control type can be used with parameters of type TYPE_INT and TYPE_INT_TAB. When used with parameters of type TYPE_INT, it needs to be followed by a series of controls for displaying and managing a combo-box control, as shown below:

... p_ui,TYPE_INT_COMBOBOX, <control id>, <number ofitems>, [ <item1 string id>, <item2 string id>, ... ] ...



pb_int_combobox1, _T("TYPE_INT_COMBOBOX1"),
    TYPE_INT, // parameter type
        IDC_INT_COMBOBOX, // resource id of combo box ui widget
        4, // number of items in the combobox
        IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM1, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM2, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM3, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM4, // string resource ids representing the "human readable" names of the combobox items
    p_vals, 10, 50, 30, 20,
    p_default, 10,
    p_tooltip, IDS_INT_COMBOBOX,

When the TYPE_INT_COMBOBOX is used with parameters of type TYPE_INT_TAB, it needs to be followed by a series of controls for displaying and managing one combo-box control per tab element, as in:

... p_ui, TYPE_INT_COMBOBOX, <control id1>,<control id2>, ..., <control idN>, <number of items>, [ <item1 string_id>, <item2_str_id>, ... ] ...


<ctrl_idn>: resource ids of the combo-box control, 1 <= n <= number of tab elements

<num_items>: is the number of items in each combo-box. If zero, no resource string ids need to be provided

<item1_str_id>, <item2_str_id>, ...: optional string resource ids for the user visible names of the combo-box items.


pb_int_combobox2, _T("TYPE_INT_COMBOBOX2"),
    TYPE_INT_TAB, 2, // parameter type and number of elements in the tab
        IDC_INT_COMBOBOX2_1, IDC_INT_COMBOBOX2_2, // one combo-box resource id per tab element
        4, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM1, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM2, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM3, IDS_COMBOBOX_ITEM4, // string resource ids representing the "human readable" names of the combo box items
    p_vals, 10, 50, 30, 20,
    p_default, 10,
    p_tooltip, IDS_INT_COMBOBOX,

The p_vals flag may follow a combo-box UI specification. If specified, the list of integer values that follows represents the values associated with each combo-box item. These values are not required to be consecutive or in order.

If p_vals does not follow TYPE_INT_COMBOBOX each combo-box item is mapped to an integer value starting with zero and up to the number of items in the combo-box.