There are two types of containers:
- Source (Inherited) containers - When users share containers, these are called source or inherited containers. If the container
author allows, users of the containers can open the container and add changes, while still continuing to inherit any changes.
Any changes made by the original author can be merged with local changes made by the container user.
- Unique (Local) containers - If a container is not inherited (i.e. referenced by more than one scene file) it is called unique
or local. A unique container is created locally and used to organize scenes in ways that are similar to the uses of groups
or layers. This provides a way to collect a group of nodes and work with them as one, or to section part of your scene to
share with others. Unique containers contain only local content. There is no content inside of a unique container that is
inherited from any source, including nested containers (containers inside containers).