Mental Ray Translation System

When rendering a scene using mental ray 3ds Max performs a translation of meshes, materials, texture maps, etc. to mental ray formatted data for use by the mental ray renderer. The translation system allows a mapping to be done between a 3ds Max plug-in and an existing mental ray shader. In some cases you can use the default mental ray material. If no compatible mental ray shader exists, you will have to write one. For information on writing mental ray shaders consult the mental ray reference documentation provided with the 3ds Max.

3ds Max natively provides translation support for the various scene element types described in the mental ray rendering topics in the 3ds Max user documentation. The 3ds Max mental ray interface allows the developer to implement the translation of additional materials, texture maps, and geometry through their own custom translation mechanisms.

The mental ray translation system can be used to do the following:

Some examples of cases when the mental ray translation system would be useful are:


The following samples demonstrate the techniques described in this section to support custom translation of 3ds Max data to mental ray formatted data.