
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**********************************************************************
00002  *<
00003    FILE: quat.h
00005    DESCRIPTION: Class definitions for Quat
00007    CREATED BY: Dan Silva
00009    HISTORY:
00011  *>   Copyright (c) 1994, All Rights Reserved.
00012  **********************************************************************/
00013 #pragma once
00015 #include "GeomExport.h"
00016 #include "maxheap.h"
00017 #include "matrix3.h"
00018 #include "assert1.h"
00020 #include <iosfwd>
00022 class Quat;
00023 class AngAxis;
00040 class AngAxis: public MaxHeapOperators {
00041 public:
00042    Point3 axis;
00043    float angle;        // This angle is left-handed!
00046    AngAxis() { /* NO INIT */ }
00057    AngAxis(float x, float y, float z, float ang)
00058       { axis.x = x; axis.y = y; axis.z = z; angle = ang; }
00061    AngAxis(const Point3& axis,float angle) { this->axis=axis; this->angle=angle; }  
00064    GEOMEXPORT AngAxis(const Quat &q);
00070    GEOMEXPORT AngAxis(const Matrix3& m); // GEOMEXPORT added in R5.1
00083    AngAxis& Set(float x, float y, float z, float ang)
00084       {axis.x = x; axis.y = y; axis.z = z; angle = ang; return *this; }
00092    AngAxis& Set(const Point3& ax, float ang)
00093       {axis = ax; angle = ang; return *this; }
00100    GEOMEXPORT AngAxis& Set(const Quat& q);
00106    GEOMEXPORT AngAxis& Set(const Matrix3& m);
00110    GEOMEXPORT int GetNumRevs();
00113    GEOMEXPORT void SetNumRevs(int num);
00114    };
00144 class Quat: public MaxHeapOperators {
00145 public:
00146    float x,y,z,w;
00148    // Constructors
00150    Quat(): x(0.0f),y(0.0f),z(0.0f),w(1.0f) {}
00153    Quat(float X, float Y, float Z, float W)  { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; w = W; }
00156    Quat(double X, double Y, double Z, double W)  { 
00157       x = (float)X; y = (float)Y; z = (float)Z; w = (float)W;  
00158       }
00161    Quat(const Quat& a) { x = a.x; y = a.y; z = a.z; w = a.w; } 
00165    Quat(float af[4]) { x = af[0]; y = af[1]; z = af[2]; w = af[3]; }
00168    GEOMEXPORT Quat(const Matrix3& mat);
00170    GEOMEXPORT Quat(const AngAxis& aa);
00174    GEOMEXPORT Quat(const Point3& V, float W);
00176    // Access operators
00179    float& operator[](int i) { return (&x)[i]; }     
00182    const float& operator[](int i) const { return (&x)[i]; }
00184    float Scalar() { return w; }
00185    Point3 Vector() { return Point3(x, y, z); }
00187    // Conversion function
00190    operator float*() { return(&x); }
00192    // Unary operators
00194    Quat operator-() const { return(Quat(-x,-y,-z,-w)); } 
00197    Quat operator+() const { return *this; }
00199     // Math functions
00201    GEOMEXPORT Quat Inverse() const;
00203    GEOMEXPORT Quat Conjugate() const;
00205    GEOMEXPORT Quat LogN() const;
00209    GEOMEXPORT Quat Exp() const;
00211    // Assignment operators
00213    GEOMEXPORT Quat& operator-=(const Quat&);
00215    GEOMEXPORT Quat& operator+=(const Quat&);
00217    GEOMEXPORT Quat& operator*=(const Quat&);
00219    GEOMEXPORT Quat& operator*=(float);
00221    GEOMEXPORT Quat& operator/=(float);
00223    Quat& Set(float X, float Y, float Z, float W)
00224       { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; w = W; return *this; }
00225    Quat& Set(double X, double Y, double Z, double W)
00226       { x = (float)X; y = (float)Y; z = (float)Z; w = (float)W;
00227         return *this; }
00228    GEOMEXPORT Quat& Set(const Matrix3& mat);
00229    GEOMEXPORT Quat& Set(const AngAxis& aa);
00230    Quat& Set(const Point3& V, float W)
00231       { x = V.x; y = V.y; z = V.z; w = W; return *this; } 
00232    GEOMEXPORT Quat& SetEuler(float X, float Y, float Z);
00233    GEOMEXPORT Quat& Invert();                 // in place
00237    GEOMEXPORT Quat& MakeClosest(const Quat& qto);
00239    // Comparison
00241    GEOMEXPORT int operator==(const Quat& a) const;
00242    GEOMEXPORT int Equals(const Quat& a, float epsilon = 1E-6f) const;
00246    void Identity() { x = y = z = 0.0f; w = 1.0f; }
00249    GEOMEXPORT int IsIdentity() const;
00253    GEOMEXPORT void Normalize();  // normalize
00266    GEOMEXPORT void MakeMatrix(Matrix3 &mat, bool flag=false) const;   // flag added 001031  --prs.
00267    GEOMEXPORT void GetEuler(float *X, float *Y, float *Z) const;
00269    // Binary operators
00271    GEOMEXPORT Quat operator-(const Quat&) const;  //RB: Changed these to    // difference of two quaternions
00273    GEOMEXPORT Quat operator+(const Quat&) const;  // duplicate * and /         // sum of two quaternions
00275    GEOMEXPORT Quat operator*(const Quat&) const;  // product of two quaternions
00279    GEOMEXPORT Quat operator/(const Quat&) const;  // ratio of two quaternions
00280    GEOMEXPORT float operator%(const Quat&) const;   // dot product
00281    GEOMEXPORT Quat Plus(const Quat&) const;       // what + should have done
00282    GEOMEXPORT Quat Minus(const Quat&) const;      // what - should have done
00283     };
00286 GEOMEXPORT Quat operator*(float, const Quat&);   // multiply by scalar
00288 GEOMEXPORT Quat operator*(const Quat&, float);   // multiply by scalar
00290 GEOMEXPORT Quat operator/(const Quat&, float);   // divide by scalar
00292 GEOMEXPORT Quat Inverse(const Quat& q);  // Inverse of quaternion (1/q)
00294 GEOMEXPORT Quat Conjugate(const Quat& q); 
00296 GEOMEXPORT Quat LogN(const Quat& q);
00298 GEOMEXPORT Quat Exp(const Quat& q);
00302 GEOMEXPORT Quat Slerp(const Quat& p, const Quat& q, float t);
00305 GEOMEXPORT Quat LnDif(const Quat& p, const Quat& q);
00309 GEOMEXPORT Quat QCompA(const Quat& qprev,const Quat& q, const Quat& qnext);
00312 GEOMEXPORT Quat Squad(const Quat& p, const Quat& a, const Quat &b, const Quat& q, float t); 
00315 GEOMEXPORT Quat qorthog(const Quat& p, const Point3& axis);
00333 GEOMEXPORT Quat squadrev(
00334       float angle,   // angle of rotation 
00335       const Point3& axis,  // the axis of rotation 
00336       const Quat& p,    // start quaternion 
00337       const Quat& a,       // start tangent quaternion 
00338       const Quat& b,       // end tangent quaternion 
00339       const Quat& q,    // end quaternion 
00340       float t     // parameter, in range [0.0,1.0] 
00341       );
00345 GEOMEXPORT void RotateMatrix(Matrix3& mat, const Quat& q);     
00348 GEOMEXPORT void PreRotateMatrix(Matrix3& mat, const Quat& q);
00351 GEOMEXPORT Quat QFromAngAxis(float ang, const Point3& axis);
00354 GEOMEXPORT void AngAxisFromQ(const Quat& q, float *ang, Point3& axis);
00357 GEOMEXPORT float QangAxis(const Quat& p, const Quat& q, Point3& axis);
00363 GEOMEXPORT void DecomposeMatrix(const Matrix3& mat, Point3& p, Quat& q, Point3& s);
00366 GEOMEXPORT Quat TransformQuat(const Matrix3 &m, const Quat&q );
00369 inline Quat IdentQuat() { return(Quat(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)); }
00371 // Assumes Euler angles are of the form:
00372 // RotateX(ang[0])
00373 // RotateY(ang[1])
00374 // RotateZ(ang[2])
00375 //
00380 GEOMEXPORT void QuatToEuler(Quat &q, float *ang);
00397 GEOMEXPORT void EulerToQuat(float *ang, Quat &q);
00399 GEOMEXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, const Quat&);