
Extra Flags Field of RendParams


#define  RENDER_R25SHADOWS   (1L << 2)
  Removes a fix made for R3 that cleaned up the edges of shadows where objects intersect-- DS 8/28/00 This goes in the extraFlags field of RendParams.
#define  RENDER_HIDE_FROZEN   (1L << 3)
  Tell the renderer to hide frozen objects This goes in the extraFlags field of RendParams.

Define Documentation

#define RENDER_R25SHADOWS   (1L << 2)

Removes a fix made for R3 that cleaned up the edges of shadows where objects intersect-- DS 8/28/00 This goes in the extraFlags field of RendParams.

#define RENDER_HIDE_FROZEN   (1L << 3)

Tell the renderer to hide frozen objects This goes in the extraFlags field of RendParams.