Public Attributes

TCBGraphParams Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Methods and Classes of Custom Controls.

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Detailed Description

See also:
Custom Controls.

The TCB Graph control displays a tension/continuity/bias graph in the control.

If you are going to use the TCB Graph control you must initialize it by calling

void InitTCBGraph(HINSTANCE hInst);

from DLLMain()

The value to use in the Class field of the Custom Control Properties dialog is: TCBGraph

Send this message to the graph control with lParam pointing to a TCBGraphParams structure to set the graph parameters.


For example:

TCBGraphParams gp;

gp.tens = 0.0f; gp.bias = 0.0f;gp.cont = 0.0f;

gp.easeFrom = 0.0f; gp.easeTo = 0.0f;

HWND hGraph = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TCB_GRAPH);

EnableWindow(hGraph, TRUE);



Note that this control is not derived from ICustControl and thus does not have Enable(), Disable(), etc. methods.
Data Members:
float tens, cont, bias, easeFrom, easeTo;

The tension, continuity, bias, ease from and ease to parameters. Each value may range from 0.0 to 1.0.

#include <tcbgraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for TCBGraphParams:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Attributes

float  tens
float  cont
float  bias
float  easeFrom
float  easeTo

Member Data Documentation

float tens
float cont
float bias
float easeFrom
float easeTo

TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams
TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams TCBGraphParams