Mask sculpting on a layer

The Mask feature lets you hide sculpting on a layer by letting you paint opacity values on the model in the areas you don’t want to appear on the final model. The sculpting on other layers is unaffected.

Painting a mask in this fashion lets you non-destructively make edits to the sculpting on a layer that can easily be reversed if necessary.

  1. In the Layers window, ensure the display button at the top is set Sculpt, then select the layer you want to mask.
  2. To make the mask visible as you paint, click the Show Mask icon at the top of the layers list.
  3. In the tool trays area, select the Sculpt Tools tab, then select the Mask tool.
  4. In the 3D View, stroke on the model in the regions you want to mask.

    The sculpting in the masked regions is removed or reduced depending on the properties that you set for the Mask tool.

  5. To remove any masked areas on a layer you can either press the Ctrl key and stroke on the masked region, or turn on Invert Function in the Mask properties window and stroke on the masked region to remove it.
  6. To remove the masked areas completely, turn on Invert Function in the Mask tool properties window, and click Flood.

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