Troubleshooting network licensing

License installation problems

If the license installation is not successful, an Installation Incomplete window appears.

Problems launching Mudbox

If the Product Configuration Wizard appears at startup, make sure you have licensed your copy of Mudbox correctly by checking the licensing steps starting in Obtain a license or in Install a license. You can also check the following:

If you still have difficulty launching Mudbox, and you have followed the licensing steps correctly, please review the following sections on licensing errors that can occur.

Troubleshoot licensing errors

One of the following error messages may appear if the Mudbox main window does not appear:

The following sections describe troubleshooting steps for each of these messages.

No license suitable to run this version of Mudbox or Error setting license default

  1. If you are using a hardware key, make sure the hardware key is attached correctly. See Installing a hardware key for installation details.
  2. Confirm that the driver for the hardware key device is correctly activated. See Confirming hardware key driver activation.
  3. If you tried to run Mudbox on a client or server, make sure the time and date on the client and server are correct and synchronized. If the time and date of the client differs from the server by more than a half hour, the client may not be able to get a license.
  4. Review the licensing procedure to make sure you completed all the steps.
  5. Make sure the parallel port or USB port is operational if you are using a hardware key. You can verify that the port is operational by testing a printer (or some other USB device) using the same port.
  6. Complete the steps in Examining a licensing log file.
  7. Complete the steps in Installing license server software for your particular server hardware platform (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux).

Unable to locate a license server for Mudbox

NoteThis message occurs only with network licenses.

To check possible client problems

  1. Verify that the USE_SERVER line is below the SERVER line in the client license file. For an example, see Client Setup.
  2. Make sure that your client and the license server are connected through a TCP/IP network.

To check possible server problems

  1. Confirm that you have installed the proper version of the licensing software. For more details, see Installing license server software and refer to the instructions for your particular server platform (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux).
  2. Stop and start the license server software as described in Network license configuration.
  3. If these steps do not solve the problem, complete the steps in License installation problems.

To check possible server problems

  1. Stop and start the license server software as described in Network license configuration.

Cannot find any aw*.dat files in C:\flexlm\

  1. Verify that the C:\FLEXLM\ directory contains the file aw.dat or aw_servername.dat.

    If this file doesn’t exist, repeat the licensing procedure as described in License Mudbox.

  2. Complete the steps in Checking that a license file is the correct file type.

No licenses found for your FLEXid

This message appears if you don’t have any licensing information in the license file or if the license file contains added control characters.

You can use a text editor to examine the contents of the file to make sure it has no added control characters.

Examining a licensing log file

If you start Mudbox and the Product Configuration Wizard or error messages appear instead of the Mudbox main window, you can create and examine a licensing log file.

For a standalone license, do the following steps on the computer where the message appears. For a network license, do the following steps on the license server computer.

To create and examine the license error log file

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
  2. In the command prompt window, type the following then press Enter:

    This sets the FlexLM diagnostics to create a log file.

  3. While still in the command prompt, start Mudbox by typing the full path:

    where install_path is the path where you installed Mudbox. For example: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Mudbox2009\bin\Mudbox.exe.

    When you set the FLEXlm diagnostics in step 2, the attempt to start Mudbox in step 3 creates a licensing log file. An error message displays before the Product Configuration Wizard appears.

  4. Do the following to examine the license log file:
    • Navigate to the folder where you installed Mudbox. For example, if you entered C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Mudbox2009\bin\Mudbox.exe the log file is created in the root folder of the C:\ drive.
    • Open the file using a text editor.
  5. Locate the troubleshooting instructions in Understanding log file error messages and follow the instructions for the error displayed.

    You can ignore other information in the log file. If you’re still unable to successfully run Mudbox, please visit the Web site for further assistance.

Understanding log file error messages

The most common error messages found in the log file are explained below. If multiple errors exist, look for the feature name that matches the feature in your license file. In the following explanations, license file refers to the aw*.dat file which may be called aw_servername.dat, aw_server.dat, and so on, on various systems.

Error Possible solutions
FLEXLM checkout error: Invalid (inconsistent) license key. The license key and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
  • Check the license file against the license file that you received. There may be a typing mistake in the password, expiration date, or license version. If it is a network license, check to see if the HOSTID and servername are spelled correctly.
  • If you obtained a pre-release license for Mudbox, also check the eval in the VENDOR_STRING.
FLEXLM checkout error: Feature has expired...
  • There’s a typing mistake in the expiration date or that the expiration date is correct.
FLEXLM checkout error: Invalid date format in license file
  • Check the license file’s expiration date for an incorrect format, for example, may-4-2006. The correct format is 4-may-2006.
  • The password may have invalid characters—not all hexadecimal.
  • The license count digit may be absent: uncounted for standalone, a number greater than 0 for network.
FLEXLM checkout error: Invalid License File syntax
  • Check the license file against the license file that you received. Ensure there is not a typing error. See also, Understanding licenses.
FLEXLM checkout error: No such feature exists.
  • Check the spelling of components, package, and feature lines against the license file that you received.
FLEXLM checkout error: Future license file format or misspelling in license file.
  • Make sure you have the newest version of the FLEXlm license server software (Mudbox 2009 requires version 11.5).
  • Check the spelling of VENDOR_STRING_VALUE and any part of the string HOSTID number and servername.
  • Check that you typed \ instead of / at the end of a line.
FLEXLM checkout error: No SERVER lines in license file.
  • For a standalone license, check that the license file License Count is uncounted.
  • For a network license, make sure the appropriate SERVER and VENDOR DAEMON lines appear at the top of the aw_servername.dat file (where servername is the name of the license server machine).
FLEXLM checkout error: The license feature you are looking for appears to be corrupted.
  • Check the entire license file for a typing mistake.
FLEXLM checkout error: Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file.
  • Check that the machine has the right hardware ID/HOSTID number and that it is typed correctly.
  • Check that the hardware key is plugged into the parallel port or USB port correctly. See Installing a hardware key.
FLEXLM checkout error: License server does not support this feature.
  • Check the license file to see if the feature has expired, or if the license server has not yet started.
  • Check if there is a mismatch between the version of Mudbox and the version of Mudbox identified in the license file.
  • Try using the computer’s IP address instead of the hostname.
FLEXLM checkout error: Cannot connect to license server.
  • FLEXlm network license software has not been installed (see Verifying license server installation) or an older version of FLEXlm network license software is installed. Mudbox 2009 uses FLEXlm version 11.5.
  • The license server daemon has not been started.
  • SERVER servername has not been changed to reflect the name or IP address of the server.
  • DAEMON or VENDOR is not spelled correctly.
  • Check the network connection on your client machine.
  • Reboot your license server.
FLEXLM checkout error: Clock difference too large between client and server.

Make sure the time and date on the client and server are correct and synchronized. If the time and date of the client differs from the server by more than a half hour, the client may not be able to get a license.

Checking for licensing errors with FLEXlm licensing utilities

Licensing sometimes fails because your licensing software is using the wrong hardware ID (also known as Host ID or Server Host ID) for the hardware key plugged into your standalone or license server computer. The Host ID/Server Host ID for a hardware key is printed on the key.

For standalone or network licenses, you can use the FLEXlm licensing utilities to check that your licensing software is using the correct hardware ID. For network licenses only, you can also use the FLEXlm licensing utilities program to check for errors not listed in Understanding log file error messages.

Complete the following steps on the license server computer or on a computer that has a standalone license.

To check for license errors

  1. On the machine you want to license, select Start > Programs > Autodesk > Common Utilities > FlexLM License Utilities.
    TipThe FLEXlm Licensing Utilities are located at <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\ Alias Shared\Licensing\bin\lmtools.exe
  2. In the LMTOOLS window, click the System Settings tab.
  3. Record the FLEXID value, if shown. Otherwise, record the Ethernet Address value.

    This value is your hardware ID.

  4. Open your license file (<drive>:\FlexLM\aw.dat) in a text editor.
  5. Depending on your license type, check the following:

    (Standalone License) Find HOSTID= in your license file and compare it to the hardware ID you recorded in step 3.

    (Network License) Find "SERVER servername hostID 7111" in your server license file and compare it to the hardware ID. (Where HOSTID can either be a FLEXID or ethernet HostID.)

    If these numbers do not match, make sure that you installed the correct license. Otherwise, you need to obtain a new license for your hardware ID.

If you are checking for network licensing errors, do the following:

  1. Click the Server Status tab.
  2. Select Display Everything.
  3. Click Perform Status Enquiry.
  4. Examine the status information that appears. For example:
    License server status: 7111@servername
    License file(s) on servername: C:\FLEXLM\aw_servername.dat:
    servername: license server UP (MASTER)
    \ Vendor daemon status (on servername): sgiawd: UP 

    where servername is the name of the license server computer.

The status information shows whether the license server is up and running, whether each feature line in aw_servername.dat has errors and if the license count is correct.

The types of status information are as follows:

If you’re still unable to run Mudbox, please visit the Web site for further assistance.

USB hardware key issues

If you are using a hardware key for the first time, and you previously had a standalone license, the license you install will not be backwards-compatible as a result of your hardware ID changing. Previous versions of the licensing software do not support hardware keys.

Checking that a license file is the correct file type

The aw*.dat file must have a .dat extension (FLEXlm license file). The following procedure shows how to check and correct the file type.

To check and correct the file type

  1. Right-click the aw.dat or aw_servername.dat file and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  2. In the Properties window, check that the file type is .dat.
  3. If the file is not .dat, select Tools > Folder Options.
  4. Select the View tab.
  5. Turn off Hide file extensions for known file types and click OK. You will see that aw.dat or aw_servername.dat file has an extension other than .dat, for example, .txt.
  6. Right-click the filename and select Rename from the pop-up menu.
  7. Change the file extension to .dat.
  8. A window appears that warns that if you change a filename extension, the file may become unusable. Click Yes.

    The file now has the correct .dat extension.
