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Sculpt using stencils

Stencils work in combination with the sculpting tools and let you use images to apply interesting sculpted details and features to a model. While stamps modify the tool tip of a sculpt, a stencil is associated with the viewing plane of the camera in the 3D View.

Stencils function in a similar manner as their real world counterparts. Black values in the stencil image act as opaque regions that fully protect the model while white values allow the tool to pass through and affect the model. Areas outside the stencil image are regarded as black and remain unaffected.

Stencils are useful for sculpting interesting features such as scales, veins, and other regular and irregular textured effects that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. You can also use images of lines, text, and geometric shapes as stencil images.

Stencils can be moved, rotated, or scaled in the 3D View while sculpting.

NoteA model must be subdivided to an appropriate level for the detail in the stencil image to be applied.

Sculpt using a stencil

  1. In the Sculpt Tools tray, select a tool.
  2. In the Stencil tray, select a stencil image.

    The stencil appears in the center of the 3D View. You can scale, rotate, and tile the stencil image in its current location and dolly, track, or tumble the camera to position the stencil and model in relation to each other prior to using the Sculpt tool.

  3. In the 3D View, stroke across the stencil to apply detail to the model.

    The stencil disappears from view whenever you stroke but the effect of the stencil appears on the model. If you want the stencil image to remain displayed when you stroke, turn off the Hide When Sculpt property in the Properties window.

    NoteA stamp or stencil image can reduce the strength of a sculpt tool depending on the amount of white in the image. White values in the image displace the vertices with full strength, while black values do not get displaced at all. If the stamp or stencil image has a lot of gray tones, you may need to compensate by increasing the tool’s Strength property when using a stamp or stencil.
  4. When you’re finished using the Sculpt tool, click the Off icon in the Stencil tray to unload the stencil from the 3D View, otherwise the stencil remains active. (You can hide the display of the stencil temporarily by pressing Q.)

Move, rotate, or scale a stencil

The controls for moving a stencil in the 3D View are similar to the camera controls, only you press S instead of Alt.

To: Hotkey Action/Results
Rotate a stencil S + left button Press S while dragging the mouse/stylus and pressing the left button. The stencil rotates about its center.
Translate a stencil S + middle button Press S while dragging the mouse/stylus and pressing the middle button. The stencil moves in the 3D View.
Scale a stencil S + right button Press S while dragging the mouse/stylus and pressing the right button. The stencil increases or decreases in size.
Hide a stencil Q Turns the stencil on or off whenever the tool is active.

Turn off a stencil

Do one of the following:

View a stencil’s properties

You can display the properties for a stencil as follows:

Modify the transparency of a stencil

  1. In the Stencil tray, select the stencil image.

    The Properties window displays the properties for the stencil.

  2. In the Properties window, open the Advanced section and change the value for the Visibility property by typing a number or adjusting the slider.

    Lower values make the stencil appear more transparent.

Modify the orientation of a stencil

You can change the way a stencil appears in the 3D View to randomize the effect it produces.

  1. In the Stencil tray, select the stencil image.

    The Properties window displays the properties for the stencil.

  2. In the Properties window, turn on the Flip Vertical or Flip Horizontal property as required.

    The display of the stencil image changes based on which options you select.

Make a stencil appear as a repeating tile pattern

  1. In the Stencil tray, select the stencil image.

    The Properties window displays the properties for the stencil.

  2. In the stencil’s Properties window, open the Advanced section and turn on Use Tiles.

    The stencil display updates in the 3D View to appear in a repeating tile pattern.

Import a stencil image

Do one of the following:

Related topics

Stencil properties

Create images for stencils and stamps