Editing Keyframes in Track View

As with most types of animation in 3ds Max, animation keys in 3ds Max CAT are stored in Track View. To access the keys for an element in a CATRig, simply navigate to the element in Track View.

Below the element’s Transform branch is an extra branch called Layer Transform. Below this, the existing layers are visible, each with its own, individual transform controller.

The animation curves on GameCharRibcage bone > Backflip layer

TipUsing the Selected Objects filter can save a lot of scrolling.
TipBy default, all rotations are driven by a standard EulerXYZ rotation controller. This controller, although easy to work with, can cause problems such as gimbal issues. Biped, for example uses TCB rotation interpolation which avoids this problem. To use quaternion rotations, you can assign a TCB controller instead of the EulerXYZ controller.