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Home: Autodesk 3ds Max CAT Help
Capture Animation

Working With Motion Capture Data

Working With Muscles
Retargeting Motion-Capture Data
3ds Max CAT uses retargeting
to calculate pelvis positioning and defaults to FK rotations for
the rest of the body.
Limbs can be in IK mode,
which preserves the original end positions, or in FK mode, which
maintains the bone angles.
Because of the way the
motion is retargeted, it is important that the data be scaled to
as close to the size of your rig as possible.
Further tweaking can
be achieved with an adjustment layer.
Tip3ds Max CAT uses retargeting
to retarget the legs. This means that you will usually want retargeting
for a leg to be set to 1.0. As an alternative you can leave retargeting
off and reposition the pelvis/FootPlatforms with a World Adjustment
TipIf your data describes
a character falling over or otherwise leaving the ground, you would
generally blend the legs to FK.