Hotkeys > Editing > 
Timeline Menu Hotkeys

Use these hotkeys in the Timeline menu when your cursor is on the Timeline canvas.

Press: To:
Up Arrow Move focus up.
Down Arrow Move focus down.
Left Arrow Go to the first frame of the previous shot.
Right Arrow Go to the first frame of the next shot.
Spacebar Toggles play and stop.
Right Ctrl Step one frame forward.
Right Alt Step one frame backward.
Shift+Q Locate and select the shot in the Shot bin that the positioner is placed on.
Shift+I Mark an in point on the Scene timebar for loop play.
Shift+O Mark an out point on the Scene timebar for loop play.
Shift+L Clear all in and out points.
. (period) on numeric keypad Toggles through the play modes (loop timeline, loop shot, and loop in and out points).
F1 Go to Playhead A.
F2 Go to Playhead B.
Shift+M To mute or unmute the track on the focus layer.
T To enable or disable Trim mode.
Enter Toggles between the Player, file browser, and full-screen player.
Alt+S Enable or disable Solo mode.
Alt+C To turn on or turn off copy element(s) and grade.
Shift-drag Copy the selected shot and constrain.
Shift+C To make a cut in the element.
Shift+J To join/remove splice on selected element.
Shift+D Delete element(s) from the Timeline.
, (comma) Enable or disable the Slip mode.
Ctrl-right-click Timeline home view.
Alt+H Zooms into the selected shot(s).
Middle-click-drag Pans the Timeline left or right.
Right-click-drag Zooms in and out of the Timeline.
Shift-click To select multiple elements in a continuous order.
Ctrl-click To select multiple elements that are not in a continuous order.
Shift+N Copies the focus element to a new layer.
S Save a cut file and the associated grade files. If a grade file has not been created, a default grade file is saved.
Shift+R Toggles the Ripple mode (Off/Start/End).
[ Zooms out of the Timeline. Zoom is centred on the playhead.
] Zooms in on the Timeline. Zoom is centered on the playhead.
D Adds a dissolve according to the focus and the positioner.
Shift+\ Applies/removes priority to/from the shot with focus.
Shift+right-click Applies/removes priority to/from the selected shot.